evekb / evedev-kb

EVE Killboard
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Error: the xajax Javascript component could not be included. Perhaps the URL is incorrect? #77

Closed KongGal closed 7 years ago

KongGal commented 7 years ago
Error: the xajax Javascript component could not be included. Perhaps the URL is incorrect?
URL: http://kb.tluc.me/common/xajax/xajax_js/xajax_core.js

I'm running the site on a SSL connection which seems to mess up the killboard due to not being able to load none HTTPS sites What file would i have to edit to force it into https instead of http?

With that said i am running a Permanent SEO-safe 301 redirect from HTTP to HTTPS But some where in the files its trying to access the files as HTTP instead of HTTPS which SSL don't like due to be unsecure sources / scripts

Salvoxia commented 7 years ago


Make sure both the "Killboard Host" and "Image base URL" in ACP -> Configuration start with https://. That base URL is used to construct links and include style sheets/java script/local image files.

Best Regards, Salvoxia

KongGal commented 7 years ago

I had all 3 set to https main webpage link, killboard host and image base URL

but its like somewhere in the code it tries to load the xajax_core.js with just http which then screws it up due to HTTPS don't want to load http scripts

Salvoxia commented 7 years ago

When visiting your killboard and manually typing in "https://.." it won't event load the style sheet. This is the line adding the java script file to the page header: https://github.com/evekb/evedev-kb/blob/4.0/common/xajax/xajax.php#L41 It is constructed using the configured killboard host and a harcoded suffix.

Also, all links on your killboard link to http://.., so something must be wrong with that setting. Caching issue maybe?

KongGal commented 7 years ago

I changed it from https to http to make the KB work but let me just reenable it

KongGal commented 7 years ago


There you have the site running in SSL but due to xajax is trying to load via HTTP its getting blocked due to being unsecure script if you in chrome tell it to load unsecure scripts then it loads the site fine, you do that by clicking the little shield with a red box and you would have to do that every time

KongGal commented 7 years ago

If i login on the admin page it loads the site fine and no problems but if i log out then the issue is back

Salvoxia commented 7 years ago

Hmm, must definitely be a caching issue, AJAX works fine with me (on https). Checked on your search page. Could be some browser-side caching?

Salvoxia commented 7 years ago

Since this seems to be working, I'll close this issue.