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EVE Killboard
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Eve Development Network Killboard v4.4.3.0



o/ EVE Development Network


v4.4.3.0 Features: Updated EDK to and CCPDB to July 2019 1.0.20190625 Updated ESI client with _latest on 2019-07-24

Enhancements: Code cleanup for compatibility with PHP 7.2 Updated NPC corporation detection ESI Client: Force cURL to use IPv4 address resolution Sort by priority 'filter' and 'addBehind' page assembly items

Bugfixes: Fix: Fixed possible SQL error when fetching unknown items from ESI Fix: ZKBFetch must use startTimestamp AND endTimestamp Fix: Post kills within the classification time frame ZKBFetch: Fix for fetching kill history from zKillboard ESI: Standardized HTTP response headers with lower case Fix for kills containing attackers with alliance ID, but without weapon type or character ID Fixed cURL handle used after closed when there is an error. Fixed missing use in pilot_detail page.

v4.4.2.0 Features: Updated EDK to and CCPDB to Onslaught 1.0.20181113 Update ESI client with _latest version on 2018-11-13

Enhancements: SSO: Introduce max number of failed SSO attempts to config IDFeed: New json output now observes configured ESI host and data source ZKBFetch: Updated to work with recent changes in ZKB API which only returns the kill ID, hash and some other context information, but no longer the complete kill data. Updated zKBFetch versio extended ajcron with 1 additional format extend idfeed with json for single killmails and ids/hashes added keepstar to valuefetcher and removed evecentral sync ZKBFetch: Properly recognize errors thrown by zKB API (with HTTP 200)

Bugfixes: Fix for zkBFetch error recognition Corp Details: Fixed displaying shares Alliance Details: Fixed displaying ally ticker

v4.4.1.0 Features: Updated EDK to and CCPDB to Into The Abyss 1.0.20180529 Cleanups for PHP7.2 compatibility

Enhancements: Set default timezone for EDK to "UTC" Added customized configuration for EDK ESI client library Created new ESI Client from _latest as of 20180529 ESI name resolution: Reduced number of IDs per call ESIFetch: Implemented pagination Added proper faction check for corporations

Bugfixes: Respect ID count limit when resolving entity IDs with /universe/names zKBFetch: Sort results from zKB API due to missing orderDirection modifier ZKBFetch: Removed orderDirection API URL modifier Fix for breaking ESI changes: Resolve entity IDs using universe/names Fix: Fetch unknown weapon type IDs for attackers from ESI ESISSO: Increased database column width holding the refreshTokens to 1024 ESIFetch: Fixed wrong "Did not get any kills" message ESIFetch: Enhanced error message if refresh token is invalid Fixed viewing faction details ZKBFetch: Fixed bug leading to potential hang while fetching ESIParser: Fix for old kills with legacy containers or no coordinates Fixed error reporting for SSO admin page

v4.4.0.0 Features: Updated EDK to and CCPDB to YC-120-3 1.0.20180502 Support ESI for fetching kills Use ESI for item value updates Remove old XML API and CREST completely - they are now shutdown by CCP and down work anymore!

Enhancements: Installer: Updated minimum PHP version (and check) to 5.6 Installer: Updated Eve-Dev URL to evekb.org in page footer Generated new ESI client library from _latest 20180502 ESI Link posting: Allowed legacy ESI link for zKB link support SSO: Added setting to only allow board owners to register for ESI fetching Updated readme file for cron jobs with cron for ESI fetching Added PHP version check to auto updater (at least 5.6 for EDK 4.3 and above) Default theme: Use official login image for SSO registration

Note: This is just a rough overview of what went in. For more details see the git history.

v4.2.37.0 Features: Updated EDK to and CCPDB to YC-120-3 1.0.20180323

Enhancements: Added PHP version check to auto updater (at least 5.6 for EDK 4.3 and above)

v4.2.36.0 Features: Updated EDK to and CCPDB to Arms Race 1.0.20171205

v4.2.35.0 Features: Updated EDK to and CCPDB to YC-119-10 1.0.20171024

Bugfixes: Fix: PHP7 compatibility for signature mod


Features: Updated EDK to and CCPDB to YC-119-8 1.0.20170818

Enhancements: Added fitting panel for 4-subsystem T3 Cruisers

Bugfixes: Fix: Killmail posting prevention by date for zKBFetch Hotfix: Made zKBFetch compatible with ESI format ESI to CREST workaround derp fix Transform ESI killmail URLs to CREST URLs Database: Changed default values for datetime/timestamp columns


Features: Updated EDK to and CCPDB to YC-119-7 1.0.20170712


Features: Updated EDK to and CCP DB to YC-119-6 1.0.20170613

Enhancements: Added explicit JS path configuration to xAjax Proxy

Bugfixes: Fix: Fixed URL in meta info tags for Kill Details page


Features: Updated EDK to and CCP DB to YC-119-5 1.0.20170509

Enhancements: Show 'Drone' ship group in summary tables

Bugfixes: Fix: EDK Proxy for xAjax used $this in static context Fixed typo when fetching ship classes for pilot summary Fix: Entity summary table stats after deleting kills Fix: Front page summary table stats wrong in certain situations


Features: Updated EDK to and CCP DB to YC-119-3 1.0.20170316

Enhancements: Added Syndicate Mobile Warp Disruptors to correct ship class Exclude Mobile Warp Disruptors from kill lists

Bugfixes: ZKBFetch: Removed zKB API modifier "api-only" Show system sec status colored in kill list tables


Features: Updated CCP DB to YC-119-1 1.0.20170112

Enhancements: Remove Killmail CC via Email functionality - Remove old and vulnerable PHPMailer classes Respect squadron size for Fighter losses Cron jobs: Load mods before first log output Updated zKBFetch for comaptibility with API changes

Bugfixes: Fix for zKB Fetch for entities with > 200 kills/h


Features: Updated EDK to and CCP DB to Ascension 1.0.20161114


Features: Updated EDK to and CCP DB to YC-118-8 1.0.20161011

Enhancements: Enhancement: Added possibility to disable page caching via session

Bugfixes: Updated Copyright to 2016 in database update template Removed last traces of procedural method calls using mysql


Features: Updated EDK to and CCP DB to YC-118-8 1.0.20160912

Bugfixes: Fix: Citadels are no longer considered to be NPCs Fix: Kill lists listed the same kill multiple times


Features: Updated EDK to and CCP DB to YC-118-7 1.0.20160809

Bugfixes: Fix: zKBFetch ignored the setting for skipping NPC only losses


Features: Updated EDK to and CCP DB to YC-118-6 1.0.20160628

Enhancements: Added option for displaying daily stats summary on the front page Try to use CREST hash provided by zKB first before parsing kills

Bugfixes: Fix: Redis Cache-Handler Database selection Fix: Fixed error in ZKBFetch when creating fallback corp for involved parties Fix: ZKBFetch now accepts formats generated by XML -> CREST converter Fixed potential layout issues with displaying daily stats summaries


Features: Updated EDK to and CCP DB to YC-118-5 1.0.20160531 Updated CREST endpoint for fetching item types

Enhancements: Top scorers are no longer displayed on the front page if showing kill points is disabled in configuration Added getter to page classes for better accessibility from mods Added calculation of summary (kills, losses, efficiency) to KillListTable class Added support for structure service slots to InventoryFlag class

Bugfixes: Fixed link for creating API keys in ACP Fix: Fallback for unknown types if fetching from CREST fails Fix: Support new Attribute Icon format when viewing item details


Features: Updated EDK to and CCP DB to Citadel 1.0.20160427 Allow posting of CREST links with legacy base URL Changed CREST base URL to crest-tq.eveonline.com

Enhancements: Fetch dogma info for unknown items

Bugfixes: Fixed typo in ACP setting name Fix: Fetching item types via CREST


Features: Updated EDK to and CCP DB to YC-118-3 1.0.117575

Bugfixes: ZKBFetch: Abort instead of skipping kills on CREST communication error IDFeed/API: Abort instead of skipping kills on CREST communication error Kill location in IGB Fixed cache poisoning when running multiple sites Fixed typo in Item class when rebuilding instance from cache Fix: Flushing the Redis database did not work Fix: Item slot for items from ItemLists were not determined correctly


This is a hotfix release for v4.2.19.0, fixing idfeed

Bugfixes: Fix: Removed call to removed function


Features: Updated EDK to and CCP DB to YC-118-2 1.0.116998 IDFeed from other EDK boards fetches mail from CREST

Enhancements: Made cache object factory more robust against corrupted cache Added PHP time limit as hint to config option for maximum number of kills to fetch per run Generic module slot detection Added Meta Tags to main killboard pages Added rewind() method to top list base class Split cron jobs and improved logging Added documentation to constants Set old value fetcher to deprecated API Import: Made more robust against API errors Updated ACP Troubleshooting indicator icons Removed legacy EDK feed Updated IDFeed to v1.5 and zKBFetch to v1.1 Removed reinforced mode feature Removed PHP4 style constructors from all classes Many code cleanups

Bugfixes: CacheHandlerRedis: Fix for warning in PHP7 Fixed default URL in ValueFetcherCrest Fix: Respect seconds when showing kills in time intervals Fix: Declared callback methods as static Fix: Try to load config after installation check Installer: Use mysqli and fixed removed/deprecated methods Fix: Declared gzopen in case only gzopen64 is available


Features: Updated EDK to and CCP DB to YC-118-1 1.0.116645 Add Redis cache system based on memcache handler

Enhancements: Increased memory limit for long-running cron jobs Added location top list to front page PHP errors should only be displayed on the frontend when display_errors is on. Made update 038 more robust

Bugfixes: Fix: CREST link calculations for Drifter kills Renamed subselct in location toplist query Fix: Location toplist now respects PodNoobship setting Fixed location toplist description when showing kills Fix: Pilot name was missing from top Solokillers, Damagedealers and Finalblowe toplists


Features: Updated EDK to and CCP DB to Forstline 1.0.116241 Added nearest location to Kills in database

Enhancements: Added filters to top locations list on Solarsystem Detail page Update coordinates of kills without coordinates

Bugfixes: Fixed defect index definition for kb3_kills table Fixed exception when viewing kills without nearest location Disable posting of text mails without accurate timestamp Timestamp parsing of text mails from old EDK installations Handling of related kills with new timestamp accuracy


Features: Updated EDK to and CCP DB to Parallax 1.0.115480 Added kill location within systems

Enhancements: Killmail Parser: Added support for timestamps accurate to the second

Bugfixes: Fix: Kill coordinates in zKBFetch Fix: Make Pheal actually use the API server setting in constants.php


Features: Updated Killboard to and Vanguard 1.0.114986

Bugfixes: Fix: SQL error when adding/updating on some environments


Features: Updated EDK version to for Galatea 1.0 and CCP DB to 114618

Enhancements: Added getter to detail view pages

Bugfixes: Fixed non-static reference in static method in Corporation class Fix: Redirection for database update using https


Features: Updated CCP DB to Aegis Download unknown ships/items

Enhancements: Updated CREST links for https, added CA certificate bundle Removed obsolete alliance logos ... Added error hanlding to item fetching functionality

Bugfixes: Fix: Remove broken cyan color tag from corp descriptions


Bugfixes: Fix: AJAX when called from command line Fix: Cron Jobs and Simple URLs.


Features: Updated CCP to Carnyx 1.0.113321, Killboard to

Enhancements: Special Item Prices Updated zKB fetch example URLs

Bugfixes: Fix for loading mods in cronjob using xajax (e.g. ajcron) Merge pull request #39 from R3ality/patch-1 o Update class.translate.php Fix: Respect HTTPS scheme everywhere


Features: Updated CCP DB to Mosaic 1.0.112318 Updated Killboard version to (Mosaic 1.0)

Enhancements: Load mods in cron jobs Improved update mechanism with enhanced version check DB Update: Convert BPC flags to singleton Change auto updater download file to update2.xml

Bugfixes: Fix: zKB Fetch last kill timestamp reset Fix: Made zKB fetch more robust Code cleanup Removed Accept-Language from SimpleCrest request headers


Features: Updated CCP DB to Scylla 1.0.111482

Enhancements: Rewrote table updates for better compatibility Enhancement: Added support for item singleton flags

Bugfixes: Fix: BPC values in kill detail view Fix: BPCs inside containers don't conserve the singleton flags Fix: Add an alliance as killboard owner which is not in the database


Features: Updated CCP DB to Tiamat 1.0 (110751)

Enhancements: Added kill/loss lists for ship types IDFeed 1.3

Bugfixes: Fix for API sanity check Fix for infamous "Invalid argument supplied..." Fix: Correctly build context menu in item detail view Fix: Display context menu only for ships in item details view


Features: Updated CCP DB to Proteus 1.0.109795

Enhancements: ZKBFetch: Updated examples for beta.eve-kill.net Don't test API connection with cURL if it's not available Introduced configuration of API connection method

Bugfixes: Fix: Copy/Paste error in Ship Details View Fix: Make installer use UTF8 charset in DB connection Fixed bug in generating image URLs Fixed bug in parsing ship traits info links Fix: file method not being able to handle compressed replies Fix: For cURL and file methods in SimpleCrest class



Updated CCP DB to Rhea 1.0 (109013)

Enhancements: CREST value fetcher uses industry price as fallback Updated Map generator to work with Thera Reintegrated ship traits into item details Enhanced cURL detection and Pheal compatibility Expanded ACP Troubleshooting section Automatically detect file/curl method for XML API Use TLS with cURL for fetching from CREST/zKB

Bugfixes: Fix: Victim name of structures in IDFeed Fix: Host detection during installation Fix: Allow negative timestamp offset of 0 for ZKBFetch Fix: zKB sliding timestamp and HTTP errors Fix: Changed URL for socket connect check


Features: Updated CCP DB to Phoebe 1.0 (build 107269) CREST item value fetcher

Enhancements: Added compression to SimpleCrest cURL fallback Enhanced error logging for API import/IDFeed

Bugfixes: Fixed formatting of zKB fetch error texts Fix: zKB fetch fetching the same kills all over again Fix: Correctly distinguish involved structures Fix: Updated XHTML theme for CREST link posting Fix for external Character ID sanity check Fix: zKB fetch not fetching new kills Comments not diplayed on kill detail pages Updated URL for connectivity check during installation


Features: Updated CCP DB to Oceanus 1.0 (105658)

Enhancements: Enhancement: Negative timestamp offset for zKB fetch Enhancement: Alliance detection for involved pos mods Added sanity check for external corp/pilot IDs Made item price editor use prepared queries

Bugfixes: Fix: Use UTC time for adding new zKB fetch configurations Fix: Copy/Paste error in zKB fetch for involved factions Fix: Blank alliance for corps without alliance part 2 Fix: Blank alliance for corps without alliance Fix for creating IDs for roles on 64bit unix systems Fix: Warning when adding custom top navigation item Fix: Edit item price for items without price Fix: Ammo recognition for Tracking Computers Fix: Corporation links in Corp descriptions Fix: Ammo recognition for Sensor Boosters Fix: Ammo detection for Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher


Features: Updated CCP DB to Hyperion 1.0 (101505)

Enhancements: Enhancements to Memcache caching Enhancement: Get images CCP image server via SSL Enhancement: Use correct moonID in IDFeed whenever possible Enhancement: Added CREST link generator Enhancement: Expose CREST url via kill details menu

Bugfixes: Fix: Adding corps/alliances as owners by external ID Fix: SQL error when adding killboard owners in some environments Fix: Adding a pilot as killboard owner by external ID Fix: Handling of https scheme for image server URL Fix for the Fix for CREST hash generator with NPC deaths Fix for CREST hash generator with NPC deaths Fix: Fixed some warnings in API import cron job Fix: Fetching permanently deleted mails from zKB causes error Fix: Caching issue while listing zKB Fetch Fix: Items in "None" bay were doubled on display Fix: Ignore NPC only kills from zKB Fetch Fix: Fixed possible fatal error in cron_zkb in some environments Fix: Crest/zKB Fetcher and chunked responses Fix: Empty data set from zKB API causing a warning Fix: Fix for displaying the error code for Json Fetching errors Fix: Fixed typo and copy-paste error in zKB Fetcher Fix: CREST/zKB Fetcher with file HTTP method Fix: Alliance detection for involved structures


Features: Support fetching kills from zKillboard Show DNA ship fitting for kills in IGB Expose a kill's CREST link Updated CCP DB to Crius 1.0 (100038)

Enhancements: Added parsing of showinfo-links in corp descriptions Determine Alliance of involved structure more reliably

Bugfixes: Fix: getting a corp with better performance for CREST mails Fix: Improved HTTPS detection Fix: Fixed error when logging to kb3_apilog in some environments Fix: Fetching a Pilot from API Corrected API server URL in constants.php Fix: Remove size attributes from Corp descriptions Fix: MySQL version to check fails with server versions > 9 Fix: Added exit() after setting header for reloading page Fix: Add corps as additional board owners Fix: Distinguishing API from IDFeed in IDFeed class Fix: CrestParser exception handling compatibility Fix: Exception handling in CrestParser


Enhancements: Updated CCPDB package files to Kronos 1.0 Updated CCPDB and Killboard version Enhancement: Added "ignore NPC kills" option to IDFeed Enhancement: Added more attributes to itemlist Enhancement: cURL support for SimpleCrest fetcher Config option: Show ISK loss instead of ship type

Fix: CrestParser, NPC kills and permanent deletion Fix: Add corp name in front of control towers/mods Fix: Changed default method to cURL for SimpleCrest Fix: Delete standings when using simple URLs Fix: No API Log entries for KillMails API call Fix: EFT and EVE Fitting export with new slot flags Fix: Suppress warnings in auto updater Fix: Empty redirect URL in conversion scripts Part 2

v4.2.0.0 Features: o Support of kill posting via CREST link o Support for all hangar locations for dropped/destroyed items o Use CCP KillMail API instead of old KillLog API o Kill Details: support for charges in low slots

Bugfixes: o Updated file verification with correct checksums o Fixed typo in cron_clearup o Keep https scheme on update redirections o Updated API Base URL in installer o Handling of item locations from old feeds o Adding of NPC Corps failed in some environments o Make API key handling more robust o Parser NullPointer and translation of old mails o Graceful error handling for unknown involved ships in parser o Correct detection of installed https wrapper o Wrong count for KillLists for more than one Killboard Owner

Other: o Includes CCPDB for Rubicon 1.3 (Mar 23, 2014) o Lineendings of all code files harmonized to unix style o Autoupdater enhancement: Check file permissions before update, Check file permissions for files to delete o Updated PHEAL to version 0.1.15

v4.0.7.1 Includes CCP DB for Rubicon 1.3 (Mar 10, 2014)

v4.0.7.0 Bugfix: Installer incompatibility with new database Bugfix: Weapons list in "Ships & Weapons"

v4.0.6.0 Includes CCP DB for Rubicon 1.1 (Jan 24, 2014) Removed the autoupdater for CCP database Starting with EDK will always contain current CCP DB. This is what the forth number in the version is for. E.g. if there will be a new CCP DB but no code update in EDK, then next version will be Bugfix: execQuery() on unknown entities identified by external ID Fixed the code autoupgrader. It should work for the next upcoming versions now

v4.0.5 Fixes: Bugfix: Files from code update archive shall always be extracted Bugfix: Towers show always "None" as Alliance Workaround: API verification of manually poster or fetched kills Feature: make parser accept killmails from fully localized clients Bugfix: idfeed uses argument "startdate" as "enddate" Bugfix: if the option "Include Capsules, Shuttles and Noobships in kills" is disabled in ACP, kills for these ship classes won't be displayed even if filtered Value fetch: Set "Update Faction Values" to No as default Fix: Capsule - Genolution 'Auroral' 197-variant Fix step 5 of installation Fix for API via https

v4.0.4 Fixes: Add Crucible 1.1 DB packages. Add \n to cronjobs. Ship class links for public summary tables fixed. fix parser translation for pre-crucible 1.0 ABs. Page cache timing fixes - respects admin settings. Setting prices on kill details works with unitialised Kills Neaten update errors for unlinking missing files. Remove kill points from killer rather than victim on deletion.

v4.0.3 Fixes: Updates old owner ids to new format idfeeds no longer fall back to old feed on error items inside containers are stored correctly blueprint copies inside containers work

v4.0.2 Fixes: Unknown ships are added with correct id. Installer finds http class when curl is not enabled. Killlog error messages are clearer. Parser fails less dramatically on unknown ships and weapons. Add new, unknown, alliances when adding new corps. Add server status class. Fix CCP's latest killmail bugs. Fix for updated german killmail translations. Fix kill related links. Item values can be updated on kills. Forum post and known members mods fixed. CSS fixes for kill_details

v4.0.1 Fixes: API static methods under 5.2 Name display on self details page cleaned. BPCs in quantities greater than 1 found API kills show API as source. search redirectes to correct page. Classified mails fixed. previous month selection in corp details corrected. german translation of mails updated. pilot names shown on some awards where they were missing better escaping of old killlog API names. moons table created if it does not exist. URL redirects with non-simple urls no longer escaped. filename fixed in renamed cron files.

v4.0.0 Cleaner URLs: kburl/home/2011/23/kills/ More caching! Objects can now be filecached(meh)/memcached(yay!) Corp logo transparency returns IIS bug avoided improved error messages improved duplicate checks improved toplist display for mixed boards ajcron admin panel display fix various other internal fixes Added html5 theme New API support Support Implants on pod mails Support BPC flag Updated with Crucible database More stuff

v3.2.3 Related kill count fix Incarna DB Custom EDK URL creation support (supports future versions of EDK)

v3.2.2 Use CCP image server for images If using local cache of images, fetch Types from CCP Fix for pilot points and corp icons in killlists Increased contrast of red graphs in red theme Troubleshooting page checks SSL support.

v3.2.1 Corp logo transparency returns IIS bug avoided pilot points shown improved error messages thumbnail fixes for lighttpd more default thumbnail sizes summary tables on public boards work again improved duplicate checks improved toplist display for mixed boards ajcron admin panel display fix various other internal fixes

v3.2.0 Mixed pilot/corp/alliance board owner

// Alvar Package VERSION HISTORY

v150.10Apoc.29.2622.0 - Initial Release

v150.11Apoc.30.2622.0 - Updates for Apocrypha

v150.11Apoc.30.2622.1 - Updates for Missing files

v150.12Apoc.32.2622.0 - Updates for

v150.13Apoc.33.2622.0 - Updates for


Web: http://www.evekb.org/forum/

For general support, bugfixes and new versions see http://www.evekb.org

Developers wanted! If you'd like to contribute to further version of this killboard, sign up for the EVE-Dev forums!