evently-cloud / site

Evently.cloud web site
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Evently.cloud website

Modifying Navigation

To add a page to the navigation menu:

  1. Add eleventyNavigation: to front matter
  2. Add key: and the nav name that should appear in the menu
  3. Add order: and the position which it should appear in the menu. Without this, order defaults to 0, then alphabetical

To create a submenu

As an example, this would be how to create a submenu named "Things":

  1. Create a new folder in the src folder with the same name as the submenu but in lowercase - in this case it would be "things"
  2. Create a .md file in the concepts folder, also named "things"
  3. At the top of the concepts file, add front matter:
    key: Things
    order: 1
    url: /things/main-thing
permalink: false

This defines the parent menu item for eleventyNavigation, but thanks to permalink: false doesn't actually generate a HTML file. Also, the url: parameter means if the parent menu item is clicked, it actually goes somewhere - in this case, /main-thing. An overview/introductory page makes the most sense here. The trailing slash is purposely left off here (see why here)

  1. Add child pages to the things folder. Each one should have front matter like this:
    key: A Thing
    parent: Things
    order: 3
permalink: things/a-thing/

Evently Blog

This site is home to the Evently blog with markdown-based articles.

Creating a new blog post

Blog article folders are filed in /src/blog by post title kebab-case.

All elements related to the article are grouped together in their folder, like linked assets and the markdown index file containing the content. An example of this file structure is as such:

└── blog
    ├── article-name
    │   ├── image.jpg
    │   └── index.md
    └── article-name
        ├── image.gif
        └── index.md

Blog post template front matter

The following is an example of the front matter of a blog post:

title: Blog post title
layout: post
featuredImage: ./image.jpg
featuredImageAltText: Alt text for the featured image.
featuredImageInArticle: true
postPreviewImage: false
postPreviewExcerpt: Text excerpt that appears on blog listing page.
date: 2022-11-01
tags: ['blogPosts, concepts']

Blog post content

A blog posts is written in markdown. Posts can support rendering images from their parent folder, and will render embedded content via url link using the embed everything eleventy plugin. Just paste the full url to whatever supported media that needs to be included in the article and an iframe embed will render.