eventua11y / eventua11y.com

A curated calendar of digital accessibility conferences and events.
MIT License
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a11y accessibility events inclusive-design



Netlify Status


See the contributing guide for ways to get involved in this project, including some that don't require you to write a single line of code.


This website is built using Eleventy, which is a static site generator. This means that instead of waiting until a page is requested by a visitor and then building it on demand, the pages are all built in advance so that they are ready to serve ahead of time.

Page templates are written in the Liquid templating language, which is then transformed into HTML.

Styles are written in Sass, which is then transformed into CSS.

The events themselves are stored in a Sanity real-time database, edited in Sanity Studio.

The website is hosted by Netlify. Whenever changes are pushed to the main branch in GitHub, Netlify builds and deploys the changes automatically. Branches are also deployed temporarily for testing purposes.

Netlify edge functions pull events from Sanity and apply localisation to the dates, which means that visitors should see a list of events that is appropriate for their locale and timezone.

Installing the website locally

  1. Clone this repository by entering this command into your command line application.

    git clone https://github.com/eventua11y/eventua11y.git
  2. Navigate into the project's root directory:

    cd eventua11y
  3. Install the project's Node.js modules. A list of these modules should be displayed after they are downloaded and installed.

    npm install

Running the website locally

  1. In the project's root directory, enter the following command into your command line application to run a local copy of the website that you can interact with to preview your changes.

    npm run start
  2. Open http://localhost:8080/ in your browser to see the website. This will refresh automatically whenever you save changes to the code.