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Ever® OpenSaaS™ - Open-Source solution for creating, managing, and deploying full-featured SaaS offerings.
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Open-Source OpenSaaS Platform

Ever® OpenSaaS™ Platform is an Open-Source solution build with TypeScript that allows to quickly set up a full featured SaaS offering.

The platform is Headless / API-first (REST & GraphQL) / BaaS (Backend-as-a-service), but also comes with Admin UI, Client Portal UI and prebuild SDKs.

Use cases


It handles following aspects of modern SaaS solutions:

You are welcome to check more information about our product offers that use Ever® OpenSaaS Platform™ at https://ever.co.


A word of caution: We are in α (alpha), i.e. Ever® OpenSaaS Platform™ is very much under development (work in progress, WIP).
Expect lots of changes and some :bug: and please be nice! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Technology Stack and Requirements

For Production, we recommend:

See also README.md and CREDITS.md files in relevant folders for lists of libraries and software included in the Platform, information about licenses and other details.



View full list of our contributors.

Contact Us


Ever OpenSaaS Platform™ follows good security practices, but 100% security cannot be guaranteed in any software!
Ever OpenSaaS Platform™ is provided AS IS without any warranty. Use at your own risk!
See more details in the LICENSE.md.

In a production setup, all client-side to server-side (backend, APIs) communications should be encrypted using HTTPS/WSS/SSL (REST APIs, GraphQL endpoint, Socket.io WebSockets, etc.).


This software is available under following license:

Please see LICENSE.md for more information on licenses.


Ever OpenSaaS Platform™ is a trademark of Ever Co. LTD.
All other brand and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of their respective holders.


Copyright © 2021-present, Ever Co. LTD. All rights reserved.
