evermind / docker-froxlor

Froxlor based webhosting on docker
5 stars 4 forks source link

Build Status


This is a debian 10 system which runs apache, php and froxlor web hosting panel.

The container contains a config that matches with Froxlor 0.10.6. It might change over time, required changes can be reviewed at https://config.froxlor.org/?distribution=debian_buster&from=0.10.6&to=9999&submit=

Setup (Kubernetes)

Password restrictions

Due to a certain shell logic no special characters may be used! Only use longer alpha-numeric passwords - the longer the better.

Pipework setup

Initial setup dialog

System setup

System Setup

PHP / FPM Configurations

SSH Setup

PHPMyAdmin Setup

If PHPMyAdmin is deployed via helm chart (enable with phpmyadmin.enabled=true), a service is startet at http://{release-name}-phpmyadmin/.

To enable access to it go to Resources -> IPs and Ports -> Port 443 and add the following

ProxyPass "/phpmyadmin/" "http://{release-name}-phpmyadmin/"
ProxyPassReverse "/phpmyadmin/" "http://{release-name}-phpmyadmin/"

Upgrade docker image

Travis will build a new Chart for repository. Dockerhub will build a new Docker image based on git tag https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/evermind/froxlor/tags?page=1&ordering=last_updated
