everydotorg / donate-button

A free donate and p2p fundraising button so nonprofit websites can accept cryptocurrency, stocks, and cash - credit, debit, bank, PayPal, Venmo, Apple Pay, Google Pay.
MIT License
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charity charity-donation-system charity-fundraising charity-platform donate donation donations nonprofit nonprofits

Every.org Donate Button

For nonprofits — the simplest way to give your supporters a beautiful donation experience. This button opens a donation flow through Every.org.

See some demos at https://embeds.every.org/0.4. And see this in production helping raise funds at https://www.goodjobbub.org/.


Run yarn build and check in the latest version of /docs/dist to publish the latest version of the donate button.


Here is an example html file with a donate button for https://www.every.org/lilbubsbigfund. You can copy paste this code and and then replace lilbubsbigfund with the correct handle.

The below code will use Every.org styling, because the a tag has the data-every-style attribute. To use your own styling, remove that attribute and add your own class or css.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <script async defer src="https://embeds.every.org/0.4/button.js"></script>
    <a data-every-style href="https://www.every.org/lilbubsbigfund#/donate"


To configure your button manualy, add ?explicit=1 to the script src

Here is an example html file with a manual configuration.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <div id="every-donate-btn">
      <a href="https://www.every.org/lilbubsbigfund#/donate">Donate</a>
      function createWidget() {
          selector: "#every-donate-btn",
          selector: "#every-donate-btn",
          nonprofitSlug: "lilbubsbigfund",
      if (window.everyDotOrgDonateButton) {
      } else {
        document.getElementById("every-donate-btn-js").onload = createWidget;


Configuration options

The createWidget function accepts an object with the following properties:

     * Selector to render button in
    selector?: string;
     * Identifier for nonprofit on Every.org; you can get it by going to the
     * nonprofit's profile on Every.org and looking at its URL
     * @example
     * If the URL is https://www.every.org/givedirectly, the slug is "givedirectly"
    nonprofitSlug: string;
     * Identifier for fundraiser on Every.org; you can get it by going to the
     * fundraiser's profile on Every.org and looking at its URL
     * @example
     * If the URL is https://www.every.org/givedirectly/f/my-fundraiser, the slug is "my-fundraiser"
    fundraiserSlug?: string;
     * Payment methods: ["card", "bank", "paypal", "venmo", "pay", "crypto", "stocks", "daf", "gift"]
     * "pay" - for apple/google pay
    methods?: string[];
     * An anchor which, if present in the URL, opens the widget
     * @default "donate"
    openAt?: string;
     * If true shows the widget
     * @default false
    show?: boolean;
     * Accent color for widget ui
     * @default "#018669"
    primaryColor?: string;

    defaultDonationAmount?: number;
     * Minimum donation amount
     * @default 5
    minDonationAmount?: number;
     * Donation frequency
     * @default 'once'
    defaultFrequency?: DonationFrequency;
     * Amount suggestions
     * @default [10, 50, 100]
    addAmounts?: number[];
     * @default false
    completeDonationInNewTab?: boolean;
     * If present, do not show the normal www.every.org background,
     * only show the donation modal and do not allow people to exit
     * the modal.
     * @default true
    noExit?: boolean;
     * if true, the gift card option is displayed
     * in the payment selection interface
     * @default false
    showGiftCardOption?: boolean;
     * Partner webhook token
    webhookToken?: string;

Also you can change them in runtime. Example:

    // Ensure that the script was fully loaded before do this


If you don't want to create a button in your site, style it and link to the widget you can use our styled button that it's fully customizable. We are linking the button to the widget automatically!

alt generic donate button

Minimum configuration

      selector: '#yourElementToAttachTheButton',
      nonprofitSlug: "yourNonprofitSlug"

Customize the button

The createButton function accepts an object with the following properties:

     * Selector to render button in
    selector?: string;
     * Identifier for nonprofit on Every.org; you can get it by going to the
     * nonprofit's profile on Every.org and looking at its URL
     * @example
     * If the URL is https://www.every.org/givedirectly, the slug is "givedirectly"
    nonprofitSlug: string;
     * Identifier for fundraiser on Every.org; you can get it by going to the
     * fundraiser's profile on Every.org and looking at its URL
     * @example
     * If the URL is https://www.every.org/givedirectly/f/my-fundraiser, the slug is "my-fundraiser"
    fundraiserSlug?: string;
     * If present, do not show the normal www.every.org background,
     * only show the donation modal and do not allow people to exit
     * the modal.
     * @default true
    noExit?: boolean;
     * If not present, just a link to hrefUrl
    onClick?: () => void;
     * Button text
     * @default "Donate"
    label?: string;
    // Css class to add to the button
    className?: string;
    // Show the every icon inside the button
    withLogo: boolean;
    // Useful styling props
    bgColor?: string;
    textColor?: string;
    borderRadius?: string;
    fontSize?: string;
    padding?: string;


We expose three functions through the global everyDotOrgDonateButton object:

Demo site hosting details