everypolitician / everypolitician-names

Generate names.csv (all the politicians' names from everypolitician.org's data)
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A little app that reads all the names of all the politicians in the world and publishes them in a single CSV file.

The data comes from the EveryPolitician project.

The file of names is published here: https://everypolitician.github.io/everypolitician-names/names.csv -- be careful, that's quite a big file because there are lots of politicians!

That file is actually names.csv in the gh_pages branch of this repo.

The EveryPoliticianBot has blogged about everypolitician-names.

What's in names.csv?

All the politicians' names that are in the EveryPolitician data. Some polticians have more than one name. Often a politician has more than one name because it's written in more than one language.

The CSV (comma separated values) file has a header line, and then one line for every name. There are four values on each line:

That's all -- if you need richer data (for example, you really need to know what language a name is in), it's all avalailable from EveryPolitician.org (look in the Popolo JSON for the full details).

Nerdy detail

We're actually running this as a wee Sinatra app on Heroku that runs whenever EveryPolitician's data updates (the app is subscribed to EveryPolitician's update alerts), which gets that latest data and compiles it into a new names.csv file which it then commits to its own gh_pages branch, so it's automagically published in GitHub pages. Yeah.

For developers: install

First you'll need make sure you've got a couple of system packages installed:

Then you'll need to install some required gems:

gem install bundler foreman

If installing gems fails with a permissions error you may need to prefix the command with sudo.

Next clone the repository from GitHub and change into the cloned directory:

git clone https://github.com/everypolitician/everypolitician-names.git
cd everypolitician-names

Now you need to install the project dependencies with bundler:

bundle install

Finally you'll need to create a Personal Access Token on GitHub. The default scopes are fine. Then copy .env.example to .env and add the generated access token.

cp .env.example .env
$EDITOR .env
# Replace 'replace_with_github_access_token' with an actual access token


To start the application's web and worker processes you can use foreman:

foreman start

Then to trigger a rebuild you can manually hit the / endpoint (note this must be a POST request, because we're anticipating this really coming from the EveryPolitician app-manager, which sends POSTs):

curl -i -X POST http://localhost:5000/


The / endpoint is registered to receive webhooks from EveryPolitician whenever there's a change to countries.json. When a webhook is received a NameCsvGenerator background job is queued.

The NameCsvGenerator#perform method does the bulk of the work. First it clones the everypolitician/everypolitician-names repository, then it switches to the gh-pages branch and runs the code in the block that's passed to with_git_repo. It pulls in each of the names.csv files that EveryPolitician currently generates for each legislature, and writes them out as one big CSV names.csv into that gh_pages branch.

Once the with_git_repo block finishes, any changes to the cloned repository are committed with the provided message and pushed back to GitHub.