everypolitician / gender-balance

Crowdsourcing platform for gathering gender information about politicians to improve the data in EveryPolitician
15 stars 3 forks source link

Prototype frontend design #1

Closed zarino closed 9 years ago

zarino commented 9 years ago
zarino commented 9 years ago

Current thinking is something quick and satisfying, along the lines of (dare I say it) Tinder:




zarino commented 9 years ago

Pull request: https://github.com/everypolitician/gender-crowdsourcing/pull/8


wrightmartin commented 9 years ago

It's great, but the action that happens with the the swipe isn't obvious, maybe as you begin the drag to either direction all the buttons go to an 'inactive' state, except for the corresponding one?

How about showing some prompt when you are in the first stages of the swipe ('picked the card up' but not yet taken it in a direction)

Finally, how about a gesture for skipping - swipe up/down to skip? It should allow you to maintain the lovely flow without needing to click the buttons