everypolitician / gender-balance

Crowdsourcing platform for gathering gender information about politicians to improve the data in EveryPolitician
15 stars 3 forks source link

Gender Balance

Build Status

Crowdsourcing platform for gathering gender information about politicians to improve the data in EveryPolitician.


Get the code from GitHub

git clone https://github.com/everypolitician/gender-balance
cd gender-balance

Configure the environment by copying .env.example and following the instructions inside to configure the app.

cp .env.example .env
vi .env

Then use vagrant to build a VM with all the dependencies installed:

vagrant up


Log in to the vagrant VM and start the app server and worker with foreman:

vagrant ssh
foreman start

Then visit http://localhost:5000 to view the app.

To run the tests use the following:

vagrant ssh
bundle exec rake test

Setting the featured country

First start a pry session, if you're in a vagrant VM then run

pry -r ./app

Or if you want to run pry on Heroku

heroku run 'pry -r ./app'

Then you can set the featured country using the country code, which can be found in countries.json. For example to set it to Turkey:

FeaturedCountry.current = 'TR'

This will end any previous featured country and create a new row for the given country code.