everypolitician / gender-balance

Crowdsourcing platform for gathering gender information about politicians to improve the data in EveryPolitician
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'don't know' button UX #333

Open wfdd opened 8 years ago

wfdd commented 8 years ago

I was playing Croatia earlier and I'd be pressing 'don't know' to skip the politicians without photos, thinking I'd be able to come back to them and Google their names at the end, not knowing the action is irreversible. If this behaviour is desired, it needs to at least be explained in the demo 'cause it's fairly counterintuitive. Personally, I don't think it makes very much sense to be handling the 'don't know' option the same way as 'man' and 'woman', especially considering that we continue to collect more and sometimes better photos. (I don't see what the benefit to locking users out of countries they've played in full is in general, but anyway.)

tmtmtmtm commented 8 years ago

I'm not sure how the interface would work if we wanted to also allow an option of 'skip for now, but bring back later'. When would those come back? At the end of the "level" (term), or only once you'd played all the historic terms too? If we didn't allow people to proceed to other levels without picking something, then a lot of users would almost certainly either just give up, or give us bad data just to continue.

Having some way of coming back at completion and undoing all your 'Unknown' options could be a potential option, though my guess at the the number of people who'd actually use it compared to the effort involved in getting it right would put it quite far down the priority list.

FWIW, there already is (sort-of) a "skip this person until later" option: you just need to reload the page. The cards are randomised each time, so it doesn't put the person to the end: it just makes it more likely that they won't be the first card again. (Of course as you reach the end of the level and have multiple people you're skipping, this gets more and more frustrating, as you reload multiple times to get the one remaining person you want, but you should get there eventually!)