Closed Nitesedge closed 9 years ago
You will need to run buildsystemdata on this upgrade to make Thera and the new systems show up. Check out the upgrade instructions in the announcment post:
Ah, didn't see that announcement. Thanks for the assistance!
Pulled the latest update and ran the usual upgrade. Thera shows in the code:
mapper:/home/evewspace/eve-wspace# grep -i -R thera . Binary file ./evewspace/SiteTracker/models.pyc matches ./evewspace/SiteTracker/ (9, "Null Sec"), (10, "Jove"), (11, "Jove"), (12, "Thera"), Binary file ./evewspace/Map/models.pyc matches ./evewspace/Map/static/js/map_functions.js: // Thera ./evewspace/Map/ return 'Thera' ./evewspace/Map/fixtures/wormholetypes.json: "target": "Thera", ./evewspace/Map/fixtures/wormholetypes.json: "target": "Thera", ./evewspace/Map/fixtures/wormholetypes.json: "target": "Thera", ./evewspace/Map/fixtures/wormholetypes.json: "target": "Thera", ./evewspace/Map/fixtures/wormholetypes.json: "target": "Thera",
Also, pulled the latest DB dump and reimported into mysql.
Mysql shows the following:
root@mapper:/home/evewspace/eve-wspace# mysql -u root Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 31849180 Server version: 5.5.29-0ubuntu0.12.10.1 (Ubuntu)
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Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
mysql> SELECT * FROM
LIKE '%Thera%' LIMIT 0,1000; ERROR 1046 (3D000): No database selected mysql> use evewspace; Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -ADatabase changed mysql> SELECT * FROM
LIKE '%Thera%' LIMIT 0,1000; +----------+-----------------+---------------+-----------------+-------------+-----------+-----------------------+-------------+------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+--------------+------------+--------+--------+----------+------+---------------+----------+---------------+----------+-----------+-------------------+-----------+---------------+ | regionID | constellationID | solarSystemID | solarSystemName | x | y | z | xMin | xMax | yMin | yMax | zMin | zMax | luminosity | border | fringe | corridor | hub | international | regional | constellation | security | factionID | radius | sunTypeID | securityClass | +----------+-----------------+---------------+-----------------+-------------+-----------+-----------------------+-------------+------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+--------------+------------+--------+--------+----------+------+---------------+----------+---------------+----------+-----------+-------------------+-----------+---------------+ | 11000031 | 21000324 | 31000005 | Thera | 7.201177e18 | 1.5343e18 | -9.501332482538404e18 | 7.321174e18 | 7.32118e18 | 1.5333e18 | 1.5353e18 | -9.394335e18 | -9.394329e18 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -0.99 | NULL | 3112788232446.856 | 34331 | NULL | +----------+-----------------+---------------+-----------------+-------------+-----------+-----------------------+-------------+------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+--------------+------------+--------+--------+----------+------+---------------+----------+---------------+----------+-----------+-------------------+-----------+---------------+ 1 row in set (0.01 sec)mysql>
So, as far as I can tell the code is in place and the db entries are in place, but Thera is not in the pick list when adding:
Screenshot of an attemped add of Thera:
Any thoughts on what might be missing? This mapper has been running for a couple years so there may be some cruft though I try to keep it current.
I am tracking the 'develop' branch.