evewspace / eve-wspace

Wormhole mapping and corporation management for Eve Online.
Apache License 2.0
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Eve W-Space

NOTE: Eve W-Space is currently in alpha. Most features outside of Mapping are not yet implemented past some prototype data models.

What is it?

Eve W-Space is, at its core, a wormhole mapping and intel tool for the MMORPG EVE Online. If you wish, it can be much more. It can be customized to fill roles from simple mapping application (with all extra features disabled) to the centerpiece of an entire alliance services infrastructure.

Eve W-Space is designed to be a single-tenant solution hosted by a single corp or alliance. A flexible permissions system allows for easily restricting data where needed.


Documentation is available at http://eve-w-space.rtfd.org

How do I use it?

Generally, Eve W-Space requires:

Other required python modules are listed in requirements.txt.

How Eve W-Space is installed will depend on the environment, a sample Puppet manifest (based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, Nginx, and Gunicorn) and scripts are provided in the puppet/sample directory to get you started while proper documentation is lacking.

For quick testing and hacking, a Vagrantfile is provided to get up and running quickly, the manifest used by the Vagrant VM does not automatically install a web server.