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Wormhole mapping and corporation management for Eve Online.
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[Suggestion] Add anoms with bulk import #242

Open tonkomnom opened 8 years ago

tonkomnom commented 8 years ago

It'd be nice if the bulk import feature would also add the number, type and date of anoms instead of people having to write that into the info field by hand, which many don't do.

raphendyr commented 8 years ago

Would it be more usefull if signatures page would have summary:

combat anoms: 13
ore anoms: 3
combat sigs: 5
data sigs: 6
wormholes: 3

Personally I don't see point of addind this to info page. Though system popup could contain info "SIGS: 16, ANOMS: 15, POS: 3, PILOTS: 5"

proycon commented 8 years ago

I was thinking of such a feature for the system popup too, seeing a summary per sig categories may be nice.

tonkomnom commented 8 years ago

I'd be pretty indifferent as to where exactly that information would be displayed. It's just very nice to see at first glance which and how many anoms are in a system. At the moment, either no information is added to the mapper, it's old or it doesn't have a date (or some weird date formatting :P).

raphendyr commented 8 years ago

So is your ptoblem that anomalies are not listed in the signatures page? Did you copy and paste them from the scanner window?

tonkomnom commented 8 years ago

Okay, I've just realized that if you bulk import combat/ore anoms they get listed with the anomalies. I think this https://i.imgur.com/vHDro0c.png could be solved better. I know there are 25 combat anoms in Bacon but I have no idea how recent that information is. If people enter the number of anomalies at all. It'd be nice to see the number of anoms plus date into the head of the info page maybe. Don't make them show up in the signature list. Auto purge after maximum lifetime of wormhole.

raphendyr commented 8 years ago

Currently you can find the information by hovering over signature/anomaly on signatures page. Though I agree something should be done on this area.

ews could even check what data/relic sites are combat sigs and then report somewhere "combats: 10+4" where 10 is combat anomalies and 4 are combat data and relics. We need to keep in mind that people live also in systems that have null data and relic sites ;)