evewspace / eve-wspace

Wormhole mapping and corporation management for Eve Online.
Apache License 2.0
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[feature] Citadel / Engineering Complex Support #272

Open EvilGrinUK opened 7 years ago

EvilGrinUK commented 7 years ago

CCP released Citadels some time ago and more recently released Engineering Complexes as build-able structures with a view to eventually replace player owned starbases and null sec stations.

https://community.eveonline.com/news/dev-blogs/back-into-the-structure/ https://community.eveonline.com/news/dev-blogs/shake-my-citadel/ https://community.eveonline.com/news/dev-blogs/building-dreams-introducing-engineering-complexes/

These have become key structures for Wormhole corps to own to control their territory.

WSpace currently only supports POS's.. I am unsure if it would be better to extend / rewrite the POS code to support the new structures or simply create a new django app. I don't own a POS so have not used the current tool.

Ideally it would be nice to keep track of the following information for each Citadel or Complex.

I'm currently not sure, but hopefully a lot of this can be pulled by the API(s). I'll do some digging.

raphendyr commented 7 years ago

As far as I have used the pos feature, it's been to remember the fits of enemy posses. On that area the "Vulnerability State / Timers" would be specially good feature for new structures.

EvilGrinUK commented 7 years ago

Another idea that occurred to me that expands on this is if you could track hostile Citadels in too .

In particular with on-grid observation you can find out the vulnerability window of hostile Citadels. Thus wspace could track this and tell you when you could attack them. You could also discern fittings when attacking and slowly record more intel about the hostile Citadel.

It would also be able to warn corp mates about a wspace system having hostile Citadel(s).