evgenyb / aks-workshops

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Comments to "AKS workshop 2: lab 08" #22

Open evgenyb opened 3 years ago

mechdeveloper commented 3 years ago

Task #3 - Update your cluster with your own outbound public IP

Trying to create second public ip address - facing error

# egress2
az network public-ip create -g iac-ws2-blue-rg -n iac-ws2-aks-blue-egress2-pip --sku Standard
[Coming breaking change] In the coming release, the default behavior will be changed as follows when sku is Standard and zone is not provided: For zonal regions, you will get a zone-redundant IP indicated by zones:["1","2","3"]; For non-zonal regions, you will get a non zone-redundant IP indicated by zones:null.

(PublicIPCountLimitReached) Cannot create more than 20 public IP addresses for this subscription in this region.

Work around -

Removed iac-ws2-pip-prefix ip prefix as number of allocated ip address was showing 0 out of 16

However this ip-prefix is needed for Task 4, created same (deleted) IP-Prefix with lower range -

# Create Public IP Prefix
az network public-ip prefix create --length 29 --location westeurope -n $PREFIX_NAME -g $BASE_RG