evgenyb / aks-workshops

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I decided to dedicate 2021 to Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) and here is the preliminary set of workshops with draft content (both dates and content are subject to change) that I am planning to work on:

Workshop #1 - AKS and Kubernetes 101

This is introduction level (101) workshop for those of you who have never worked with neither AKS nor Kubernetes. I expect that you have some basic understanding of containerization concept and know what docker and docker images are. This workshop covers the basics of using Kubernetes and you will learn how to:

Workshop #2 - Advanced AKS configuration

The focus for this workshop is advanced configuration aspects of AKS cluster and you will learn:

Workshop is organized as a combination of theoretical blocks and 10 labs.

Workshop #3 - Implement Immutable AKS Infrastructure on Azure with Bicep

This time we will work with Azure Bicep - a Domain Specific Language (DSL) for deploying Azure resources declaratively. Since this year is all about AKS, we will use Bicep to implement immutable AKS infrastructure on Azure.

Workshop goals:

Workshop is organized as a combination of theoretical blocks and 9 labs.

Workshop #4 - GitOps in AKS with Flux

This workshop covers the basics of GitOps in Kubernetes with Flux and you will learn:

Workshop #5 - scaling options for applications and clusters in AKS

This workshop covers scaling options for applications and clusters in AKS and you will learn:

Workshop #6 - monitoring options in AKS

This is an introduction level workshop that covers monitoring aspects of AKS and you will learn:

Workshop #7 - service mesh in AKS with linkerd

Workshop #8 - security in AKS