evid3nt / System-For-Monitoring-Class-Attendance

GNU General Public License v3.0
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System for monitoring class attendance

System that enables monitoring students's lecture attendance. Students can register on their arrival and also on their departure. Professors can see their attendance for specific lectures.


System that was built as a part of the project for the course Internet Stvari that is held on the master programme of FER (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing).


System is complex. It's made of several independent components that communicate between each creating distribuited and scalable environment.

System architecture


Image below illustrates a main use case that shows communication between all system's components.

System communication

Database model

We are using PostgreSQL database with conceptual model defined as shown on the image below.

System communication

IoT platform

IoT platform is used to connect device layer with the rest of the system. We are using ThingsBoard open-source IoT platform for data collection, processing, visualization, and device management. Official web site: https://thingsboard.io/

How to run?

System is, as previously explained, complex and number of techologies that we used is very wide.

We are planning to implement docker (https://www.docker.com/) scripts in order to unifie the way of starting the components.

For now, you can check README.md file for each component that is located in appropriate folder (e.g. if you wish to run frontend application, go to frontend folder and find the README.md file with needed instructions).