evidation-health / ContinuousTimeMarkovModel

Continuous-time Markov model with discrete observations
MIT License
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Implements the model described in the paper

Unsupervised Learning of Disease Progression Models (X. Wang, D. Sontag, F. Wang), KDD'14



pip install --process-dependency-links --trusted-host github.com -e git+https://github.com/evidation-health/ContinuousTimeMarkovModel.git#egg=ContinuousTimeMarkovModel

python claimsToInputs.py mydata.csv -c 32 -o myPickledInputs

mydata.csv should contain rows of index, userid, datetime, claimsCode(i.e. ICD9) with a header pers_uniq_id, date_of_service, primary_diag_cd but the script can be easily modified to fit slightly different formatting

run runSontagModel.py -n 1001 -t 100 -d '../data/myPickledInputs'

pymc3.traceplot(trace=trace,vars=['pi']); plt.show()