evilC / AutoHotInterception

An AutoHotkey wrapper for the Interception driver
MIT License
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Why cm1.IsActive returns "0" ? #113

Closed KenKaneki73985 closed 4 months ago

KenKaneki73985 commented 4 months ago

Everything is set, except "cm1.IsActive", it returns "0" AutoHotInterception v0.9.1

; #SingleInstance force
#include Lib\AutoHotInterception.ahk

AHI := AutoHotInterception()
id1 := AHI.GetKeyboardId(0x09DA, 0x0025, 1)  
cm1 := AHI.CreateContextManager(id1)

isset(AHI) ? msgbox( "AHI is set") : "" ; returns true
isset(id1) ? msgbox("id1 is set") : "" ; returns true
isset(cm1) ? msgbox("cm1 is set") : "" ; returns true

msgbox(cm1.IsActive)   ; returns 0

#HotIf cm1.IsActive

    ToolTip("KEY DOWN EVENT @ " A_TickCount)

1 up::
    ToolTip("KEY UP EVENT @ " A_TickCount)

evilC commented 4 months ago

Because IsActive is only ever true for a VERY brief moment. It is not intended to indicate whether the context manager is actively running.

AHI just sets .IsActive to true before sending a keystroke from that specific keyboard, so that the context sensitive hotkey in the script executes for only that keyboard. ie When keyboard input happens for a keyboard with an active Context Manager, AHI sets .IsActive to true, then forwards on that key event to the OS, then immediately sets .IsActive back to false again.

KenKaneki73985 commented 4 months ago

@evilC Okay, thanks.

So, everything seems working fine on my PC.

The "monitor.ahk" is working fine. It was able to detect the VID / PID of my keyboard.

However, pressing "ENTER" doesn't execute the action below. Instead, It does its native action rather than sending "hello".

What do you think is the problem?

    ; #SingleInstance force
    #include Lib\AutoHotInterception.ahk

    AHI := AutoHotInterception()
    id1 := AHI.GetKeyboardId(0x09DA, 0x0025, 1)  ; 0x09DA, 0x0025 <------ ID of my keyboard
    cm1 := AHI.CreateContextManager(id1) 


    #HotIf cm1.IsActive

    ENTER:: {
evilC commented 4 months ago

When in the monitor, you find your keyboard, and check some keys, it would look like this: image (eg you can see me hitting CTRL+Printscreen in that screenshot) The ID that is selected is 3 In your code, check what the value of id1 is. In the example screenshot, I would expect it to be 3 Be sure to test the ENTER key in the monitor. I have seen keyboards where one key will come through on one ID, but another key will come through on a different ID

evilC commented 4 months ago

Also check the instance number. Note how in my screenshot above, both ID 2 and 3 have the VID/PID of 0x03EB, 0xFF02 However, only if I check ID 3 do I see input in the monitor. So id1 := AHI.GetKeyboardId(0x03EB, 0xFF02, 1) will not work for me, I would either have to use id1 := AHI.GetKeyboardId(0x03EB, 0xFF02, 2) (Note the 2), or use the Handle instead of VID/PID (id1 := AHI.GetDeviceIdFromHandle("HID\VID_03EB&PID_FF02&REV_0090&MI_03")

KenKaneki73985 commented 4 months ago

@evilC Hi. It's working now. Thanks!

However, I'm confused about the third argument "2": AHI.GetKeyboardId(0x09DA, 0x0025, 2) ; <---- WORKING - my actual keyboard ID

Monitor shows that my keyboard ID is 4, but I passed "2" instead "4"?


evilC commented 4 months ago

See in your monitor: Both ID 2 and ID 4 have the same VID / PID: 0x09DA, 0x0025 So to use ID 4, you need to say "Don't use the 1st 0x09DA, 0x0025, use the 2nd 0x09DA, 0x0025" Which is what the 2 at the end is - it says "The 2nd one". ie either AHI.GetKeyboardId(0x09DA, 0x0025) or AHI.GetKeyboardId(0x09DA, 0x0025, 1) will both return 2
However, AHI.GetKeyboardId(0x09DA, 0x0025, 2) will return 4

evilC commented 4 months ago

It's also interesting to note that the handles for 2 and 4 are not unique, which is not something I have ever seen. eg notice in my screenshot - whilst the VID and PID for ID 2 and 3 are the same (0x03EB, 0xFF02), their handles are different (HID\VID_03EB&PID_FF02&REV_0090&MI_01 and HID\VID_03EB&PID_FF02&REV_0090&MI_03). So normally, an alternative to passing a 2 at the end of GetKeyboardId would be to use GetDeviceIdFromHandle instead, but seeing as you have two devices with the same handle (Or, more likely, one device that presents multiple IDs / Handles), that would not work.

evilC commented 4 months ago

Closing as completed