evilsocket / xray

XRay is a tool for recon, mapping and OSINT gathering from public networks.
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.19k stars 299 forks source link
intelligence mapping network osint security shodan

XRay has been reimplemented in Rust and expanded with more features, this repository is LEGACY code. Use https://github.com/evilsocket/legba


XRay is a tool for network OSINT gathering, its goal is to make some of the initial tasks of information gathering and network mapping automatic.

How Does it Work?

XRay is a very simple tool, it works this way:

  1. It'll bruteforce subdomains using a wordlist and DNS requests.
  2. For every subdomain/ip found, it'll use Shodan to gather open ports and other intel.
  3. If a ViewDNS API key is provided, for every subdomain historical data will be collected.
  4. For every unique ip address, and for every open port, it'll launch specific banner grabbers and info collectors.
  5. Eventually the data is presented to the user on the web ui.

Grabbers and Collectors


Shodan API Key

The shodan.io API key parameter ( -shodan-key KEY ) is optional, however if not specified, no service fingerprinting will be performed and a lot less information will be shown (basically it just gonna be DNS subdomain enumeration).


If a ViewDNS API key parameter ( -viewdns-key KEY ) is passed, domain historical data will also be retrieved.

Anonymity and Legal Issues

The software will rely on your main DNS resolver in order to enumerate subdomains, also, several connections might be directly established from your host to the computers of the network you're scanning in order to grab banners from open ports. Technically, you're just connecting to public addresses with open ports (and there's no port scanning involved, as such information is grabbed indirectly using Shodan API), but you know, someone might not like such behaviour.

If I were you, I'd find a way to proxify the whole process ... #justsaying

Building a Docker image

To build a Docker image with the latest version of XRay:

git clone https://github.com/evilsocket/xray.git
cd xray
docker build -t xraydocker .

Once built, XRay can be started within a Docker container using the following:

docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 xraydocker xray -address -shodan-key shodan_key_here -domain example.com 

Manual Compilation

Make sure you are using Go >= 1.7, that your installation is working properly, that you have set the $GOPATH variable and you have appended $GOPATH/bin to your $PATH.


go get github.com/evilsocket/xray
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/evilsocket/xray/

You'll find the executable in the build folder.


Usage: xray -shodan-key YOUR_SHODAN_API_KEY -domain TARGET_DOMAIN
  -address string
        IP address to bind the web ui server to. (default "")
  -consumers int
        Number of concurrent consumers to use for subdomain enumeration. (default 16)
  -domain string
        Base domain to start enumeration from.
  -port int
        TCP port to bind the web ui server to. (default 8080)
        Do not remove subdomain from the provided domain name.
  -session string
        Session file name. (default "<domain-name>-xray-session.json")
  -shodan-key string
        Shodan API key.
  -viewdns-key string
        ViewDNS API key.
  -wordlist string
        Wordlist file to use for enumeration. (default "wordlists/default.lst")


# xray -shodan-key yadayadayadapicaboo... -viewdns-key foobarsomethingsomething... -domain fbi.gov

____  ___
\   \/  /
 \     RAY v 1.0.0b
 /    by Simone 'evilsocket' Margaritelli
/___/\  \

@ Saving session to fbi.gov-xray-session.json
@ Web UI running on


XRay was made with ♥ by Simone Margaritelli and it's released under the GPL 3 license.

The files in the wordlists folder have been taken from various open source tools accross several weeks and I don't remember all of them. If you find the wordlist of your project here and want to be mentioned, feel free to open an issue or send a pull request.