The Crazyflie PC client enables flashing and controlling the Crazyflie. There's also a Python library that can be integrated into other applications where you would like to use the Crazyflie.
For more info see our wiki.
To install the Crazyflie PC client in Linux, you can run the setup script with:
This will install the Crazyflie PC client systemwide, create a udev entry for the Crazyradio and setup the permissions so that the current user can use the radio without root permissions after restarting the computer. For further instructions on how to install manually, see below.
To install the Crazyflie PC client in Windows, download the installation program from the binary download page."Crazyflie client" will be added to the start menu.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The following will use [[|homebrew]]and its own Python distribution. If you have a lot of other 3rd party python stuff already running on your system they might or might not affected of this.
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
You also need to install Command Line Tools for Xcode or Xcode if you don't already have them installed.
Install hombrew's Python installation
brew install python
This will also pull pip, which we will use later to install some Python modules that are not distributed through homebrew.
Make sure the homebrew Python version is used system-wide To do this we need to prepend this installation to our PYTHONPATH:
echo 'export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Install SDL for Python
brew install sdl sdl_image
sdl_mixer sdl_ttf portmidi
Install remaining dependencies
brew install pyqt
brew install libusb
brew install mercurial
pip install hg+
pip install pyusb
You now have all the dependencies needed to run the client. From the source folder, run it with the following command:
python bin/cfclient
port selfupdate
port upgrade outdated
port install libusb
port install py-pyusb-devel
port install py27-pyqt4
port install py27-pygame
to your PATH variable.
The MacPorts installer should take care of that, but take a look at
to make sure. If you have any issues it could be due to the
libraries not getting picked up correctly. Fix that by setting
to /opt/local/lib
in ~/.profile
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/local/lib
python2.7 bin/cfclient
To launch the GUI application in the source folder type:
python bin/cfclient
To launch the GUI after a systemwide installation, execute cfclient
The Crazyflie PC client has the following dependencies:
Example commands to install these dependencies:
sudo yum install pygame pyusb PyQt4
sudo apt-get install python2.7 python-usb python-pygame python-qt4
sudo zypper install python-pygame libusb python-usb
The following steps make it possible to use the USB Radio without being root.
Note: If using a fresh Debian install, you may need to install sudo first (executing exit command to exit from root shell first):
su -
apt-get install sudo
Now, with sudo installed, you should be able to do the following commands
sudo groupadd plugdev
sudo usermod -a -G plugdev <username>
Create a file named /etc/udev/rules.d/99-crazyradio.rules
and add the
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1915", ATTRS{idProduct}=="7777", MODE="0664", GROUP="plugdev"
Restart the computer and you are now able to access the USB radio dongle without being root.