LogFixer is a simple Python script that corrects BEAST output files with missing or incomplete states.
To run LogFixer type 'python Log_Fixer.py' in command-line once you are in the directory where Log_Fixer.py is located. If everything goes according to plan, a dialog should pop up asking to first select a tree file (you can press cancel if you only want to deal with log files) and then any other BEAST output files you wish to be checked for consistency. The dialog will pop up again after each file is selected. When all the files have been selected and the dialog pops up again press cancel to proceed with the fixing.
Log_Fixer loads in the states of selected BEAST output files, finds the states shared by all of them but also checks whether log files have the same number of reported parameters (i.e. whether each state is complete), trees don't have null bytes and prints renumbered states that are shared (and complete) between all output files into new files (in the same directory) which have the creative extension .fixed.txt