evolverine / undistance

Intimacy and connection pledge for times of COVID-19
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layout: page title: description: How can we reencounter ourselves in connection and intimacy in a world of COVID-19 without leaving anyone behind? permalink: / comments: false lang: en image: assets/images/walking_dogs_with_mask.jpg image-at-bottom: true image-attribution: Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels


Welcome. The page you're looking at is the tentative, ever-evolving response to the question how can we reencounter ourselves in connection and intimacy in a world of COVID-19 without leaving anyone behind? There's no one 'solution', of course, and this page only hopes to contribute a partial tool of the many needed for the job. If you feel something evident is missing or incomplete, do get in touch and let's make this trip less rocky together.

The Undistancing Pledge

I called it a pledge, but maybe "statement of intention" or even "conversation starter" can define it better. It's meant to help us get on the same page, which is tricky these days. Read the Undistancing pledge

Other resources

A collection of articles with resources that may come in handy - for communication, doing relationships better, managing emotions, etc. Read them here