This plugin implements BLE support for Android, iOS and Windows 8.1 (partial support). Enable your Cordova and PhoneGap mobile applications to communicate with all sorts of BLE devices.
Available functionality:
Install using the Apache Cordova command line:
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-ble
We have extended the BLE plugin API to make it more high-level and easy to use.
Functions can now take objects as parameters.
The new plugin API is fully backwards compatible with the previous API, which used handles rather than objects.
We recommend using the new style with object parameters.
Below is tour of the new BLE plugin API.
Use function evothings.ble.startScan
to scan for devices:
evothings.ble.startScan(onDeviceFound, onScanError, options)
Starts scanning for devices. An array of service UUID strings may be given in the options object parameter. One or more service UUIDs must be specified for iOS background scanning to work. Found devices and errors are reported to the supplied callback functions. The startScan function will keep scanning until you call evothings.ble.stopScan
@param {scanCallback} onDeviceFound - Success callback, called repeatedly
for each found device.
@param {failCallback} onScanError - Error callback.
@param {ScanOptions} options - Optional object with options.
Set field serviceUUIDs to an array of service UUIDs to scan for.
Set field parseAdvertisementData to false to disable automatic
parsing of advertisement data.
// Scan for all services.
console.log('startScan found device named: ' +;
console.log('startScan error: ' + errorCode);
// Scan for specific service (Eddystone Service UUID).
console.log('startScan found device named: ' +;
console.log('startScan error: ' + errorCode);
{ serviceUUIDs: ['0000feaa-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'] }
Use function evothings.ble.connectToDevice
to connect to a device:
evothings.ble.connectToDevice(device, onConnected, onDisconnected, onConnectError, options)
Connect to a BLE device and discover services. This is a more high-level
function than evothings.ble.connect
. You can configure which services
to discover and also turn off automatic service discovery by supplying
an options parameter.
@param {DeviceInfo} device - Device object from {scanCallback}.
@param {connectedCallback} onConnected - Called when connected to the device.
@param {disconnectedCallback} onDisconnected - Called when disconnected from the device.
@param {failCallback} onConnectError - Called on error.
@param {ConnectOptions} options - Optional connect options object.
console.log('Connected to device: ' +;
console.log('Disconnected from device: ' +;
console.log('Connect error: ' + errorCode);
It is recommended to use this functions in place of the low-level evothings.ble.connect
function, which does not do automatic service discovery and has a different callback interface.
Use evothings.ble.getService
to get a service by UUID:
evothings.ble.getService(device, uuid)
@param {DeviceInfo} device - Device object.
@param {string} uuid - UUID of service to get.
Use evothings.ble.getCharacteristic
to get a characteristic by UUID:
evothings.ble.getCharacteristic(service, uuid)
@param {Service} device - Service object.
@param {string} uuid - UUID of characteristic to get.
Characteristics within a service that share the same UUID (rare case) must be retrieved by manually traversing the characteristics array of the service. The function getCharacteristic will return the first characteristic found, which may not be the one you want. Note that this is a rare case.
Use evothings.ble.getDescriptor
to get a characteristic by UUID:
evothings.ble.getDescriptor(characteristic, uuid)
@param {Characteristic} characteristic - Characteristic object.
@param {string} uuid - UUID of descriptor to get.
Use evothings.ble.readCharacteristic
to write a characteristic:
evothings.ble.readCharacteristic(device, characteristic, success, fail)
@param {DeviceInfo} device - Device object.
@param {Characteristic} characteristic - Characteristic object.
@param {dataCallback} success
@param {failCallback} fail
// When connected to the device, get the desired service and characteristic.
var service = evothings.ble.getService(device, SERVICE_UUID)
var characteristic = evothings.ble.getCharacteristic(service, CHARACTERISTIC_UUID)
// Read the characteristic.
console.log('characteristic data: ' + evothings.ble.fromUtf8(data));
console.log('readCharacteristic error: ' + errorCode);
Use evothings.ble.writeCharacteristic
to write a characteristic:
evothings.ble.writeCharacteristic(device, characteristic, data, success, fail)
@param {DeviceInfo} device - Device object.
@param {Characteristic} characteristic - Characteristic object.
@param {ArrayBufferView} data - The value to be written.
@param {emptyCallback} success - Called when the remote device has
confirmed the write.
@param {failCallback} fail - Called if the operation fails.
// When connected to the device, get the desired service and characteristic.
var service = evothings.ble.getService(device, SERVICE_UUID)
var characteristic = evothings.ble.getCharacteristic(service, CHARACTERISTIC_UUID)
// Read the characteristic.
data, // Buffer view with data to write
console.log('characteristic written');
console.log('writeCharacteristic error: ' + errorCode);
Use evothings.ble.enableNotification
to start notifications on a characteristic:
evothings.ble.enableNotification(device, characteristic, success, fail)
@param {DeviceInfo} device - Device object .
@param {Characteristic} characteristic - Characteristic object.
@param {dataCallback} success - Called every time the value changes.
@param {failCallback} fail - Error callback.
@param {NotificationOptions} options - Android only: Optional object with options.
// When connected to the device, get the desired service and characteristic.
var service = evothings.ble.getService(device, SERVICE_UUID)
var characteristic = evothings.ble.getCharacteristic(service, CHARACTERISTIC_UUID)
// Start notifications for the characteristic.
console.log('characteristic data: ' + evothings.ble.fromUtf8(data));
console.log('readCharacteristic error: ' + errorCode);
The BLE API Guide contains step-by-step instructions for how to scan and connect to BLE devices.
Reference documentation is available as jsdoc comments in the ble.js source file.
To build the documentation using jsdoc, run this command:
jsdoc -l -c jsdoc/conf.json ble.js
Generated documentation is available at the Evothings documentation web site (note that this documentation may not reflect the latest updates of the plugin, it may lag to sync with Evothings releases).
This section lists libraries that runs on top of the BLE plugin.
Early support for Web Bluetooth is available using the Bleat library.
The EasyBLE library has been deprecated and is replaced with the extended BLE plugin API.
Library for scanning for Eddystone devices/beacons (Physical Web).
To use the Eddystone library, include this in index.html:
<script src=""></script>
This plugin is used in Evothings Studio, and is compatible with Apache Cordova and PhoneGap.
Evothings Studio is a development and prototyping tool for making Cordova/PhoneGap apps. With Evothings Studio the edit/run turn-around cycle is just a second or two, which is much faster compared to the traditional method of rebuilding the Cordova project for each update.
See Evothings Examples for comprehensive examples of mobile apps that communicate over Bluetooth Low Energy, and which you can use for your own projects to get quickly up and running.
Download Evothings Studio - It is easy to get started!