evotor / Evo-UI-Kit

6 stars 7 forks source link





To install this package run following command:

npm i @evotor-dev/ui-kit

Add ui-kit styles to angular.json

"styles": [

Add ui-kit assets to angular.json

"assets": [
        "glob": "**/*",
        "input": "./node_modules/@evotor-dev/ui-kit/assets/",
        "output": "assets/ui-kit/" // if you use a different output path, register it using evoAssetsPathProvider


If you have password on your ssh key, add it to ssh-agent.

If you have renamed your ssh key, add it to ssh-config.

Host github.com
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/{yourKey}


Install dependencies

npm ci

Development server

npm run storybook

Build library

Run npm run build to build the ui kit. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.

Build Storybook

npm run build:storybook

Add dependencies

  1. Install package as devDependency at root project folder
  2. Add package to projects/evo-ui-kit/package.json to peerDependencies
  3. Add package to projects/evo-ui-kit/package.json to dependencies
  4. Add package to projects/evo-ui-kit/ng-package.json to allowedNonPeerDependencies
  5. Add package to projects/evo-ui-kit/ng-package.prod.json to allowedNonPeerDependencies

Running unit tests

Run npm run test:local.