evrythng / epcis2.js

EPCIS 2.0 Javascript SDK
Apache License 2.0
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EPCIS 2.0 Javascript SDK

epcis2.js is a Javascript SDK (client-side & Node.js compatible) to facilitate sending data to GS1 EPCIS 2.0 standard compliant repositories. It provides plenty of helper functions to make pushing standard compliant supply chain events as easy as possible.

This project is jointly supported by Digimarc and Zebra.

Introduction to EPCIS and EPCIS 2.0

EPCIS is a GS1 standard for the integration of supply chain information systems. EPCIS is especially valuable to facilitate the seamless exchange of information in supply chains that span multiple actors and organisations. EPCIS 2.0 is the major update to the GS1 EPCIS standard. It was driven by the need to bring EPCIS to the Web.

EPCIS 2.0 brings the following highlights to the table:



Install as an app dependency:

npm install --save epcis2.js

or as a development dependency:

npm install --save-dev epcis2.js

Then require it in any module:

const { setup, actionTypes } = require('epcis2.js');

setup({ apiUrl: 'https://api.evrythng.io/v2/epcis' });

Or using ES6 import / export syntax when available:

import epcis from 'epcis2.js';

// Alternatively
import { setup } from 'epcis2.js';

// Alternatively
import * as epcis from 'epcis2.js';


Or use a simple script tag to load it from the CDN:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/epcis2.js@2.7.2/dist/epcis2.browser.js"></script>

Then use in a browser script tag using the epcis2 global variable:

  const doc = new epcis2.EPCISDocument();


You can use this package with typescript. The types are available here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@types/epcis2.js

You just need to install them as well:

npm install --save-dev @types/epcis2.js

Examples are available at ./example/node_example/typescript

Getting started example

Thanks to our SDK, creating an EPCIS 2.0 document is simple. In this example, we show how to create it from a JSON-LD object.

const { EPCISDocument } = require('epcis2.js');

// json object based on which we want to create an EPCIS 2.0 document
const object = {
  "@context": ["https://ref.gs1.org/standards/epcis/2.0.0/epcis-context.jsonld",{"example": "http://ns.example.com/epcis/"}],
  "id": "https://id.example.org/document1",
  "type": "EPCISDocument",
  "schemaVersion": "2.0",
  "creationDate": "2021-07-11T11:30:47.0Z",
  "epcisBody": {
    "eventList": [
        "eventID": "ni:///sha-256;4217c6a122625b7b9d8ae4f9b89890df35ffa0c501471a096cbfdeebd7207e45?ver=CBV2.0",
        "type": "ObjectEvent",
        "action": "OBSERVE",
        "bizStep": "receiving",
        "disposition": "in_progress",
        "epcList": [ "https://id.gs1.org/01/70614141123451/21/2018" ],
        "eventTime": "2021-04-04T20:33:31.116-06:00",
        "eventTimeZoneOffset": "-06:00",
        "readPoint": {"id": "urn:epc:id:sgln:0012345.11111.400"},
        "bizLocation": {"id": "urn:epc:id:sgln:0012345.11111.0"},
        "bizTransactionList": [
          { "type": "po", "bizTransaction": "http://transaction.acme.com/po/12345678" }

const epcisDocument = new EPCISDocument(object);  // instantiate an EPCIS 2.0 document constructed from the given object

console.log(epcisDocument.toString());  // print EPCIS 2.0 document as a string

Running this script should result in the following EPCIS 2.0 document (printed as a string):

 "@context": [
   "example": "http://ns.example.com/epcis/"
 "id": "https://id.example.org/document1",
 "type": "EPCISDocument",
 "schemaVersion": "2.0",
 "creationDate": "2021-07-11T11:30:47.0Z",
 "epcisBody": {
  "eventList": [
    "eventID": "ni:///sha-256;4217c6a122625b7b9d8ae4f9b89890df35ffa0c501471a096cbfdeebd7207e45?ver=CBV2.0",
    "type": "ObjectEvent",
    "action": "OBSERVE",
    "bizStep": "receiving",
    "disposition": "in_progress",
    "eventTime": "2021-04-04T20:33:31.116-06:00",
    "eventTimeZoneOffset": "-06:00",
    "readPoint": {
     "id": "urn:epc:id:sgln:0012345.11111.400"
    "bizLocation": {
     "id": "urn:epc:id:sgln:0012345.11111.0"
    "epcList": [
    "bizTransactionList": [
      "type": "po",
      "bizTransaction": "http://transaction.acme.com/po/12345678"

The epcisDocument is an instance of the EPCISDocument class which means that you have many methods available to easily view or modify the EPCIS 2.0 document. You can view all of them in ./src/entity/epcis/EPCISDocument.js.

console.log(epcisDocument.getType()); // EPCISDocument

console.log(epcisDocument.isValid()); // true

console.log(epcisDocument.getEventList());  // check it out yourself :)

The latter line should print an instance of the event ObjectEvent which is created automatically based on object. This instance has many methods which can be used to view or modify the EPCIS 2.0 event. You can view all of them in ./src/entity/events/Event.js.

It is also possible to validate EPCIS events without wrapping them in an EPCIS Document.

const objectEvent = new ObjectEvent();

Building complex EPCIS 2.0 JSON documents

Instantiating an EPCIS 2.0 Document

For each object you instantiate with this library, you can create it from setters:

const epcisDocument = new EPCISDocument();


Or create it from another object:

const epcisDocument = new EPCISDocument({
  creationDate: '2005-07-11T11:30:47+00:00',
  schemaVersion: '2.0',

Adding events to an EPCIS 2.0 document

To add an event to an EPCIS document, you can use the following:

const {
} = require('epcis2.js');

const event = new ObjectEvent();
const event2 = new ObjectEvent();
const epcisDocument = new EPCISDocument();





This example would output (as a string):

  "type": "EPCISDocument",
  "@context": "https://ref.gs1.org/standards/epcis/2.0.0/epcis-context.jsonld",
  "schemaVersion": "2.0",
  "creationDate": "2022-03-15T13:08:27.309Z",
  "epcisBody": {
    "eventList": [
        "eventTimeZoneOffset": "-06:00",
        "eventTime": "2005-04-03T20:33:31.116-06:00",
        "type": "ObjectEvent",
        "action": "OBSERVE"
        "eventTimeZoneOffset": "-06:00",
        "eventTime": "2005-04-03T21:33:31.116-06:00",
        "type": "ObjectEvent",
        "action": "OBSERVE"

CBV attributes autocomplete

The SDK enables you to easily search among all attributes of each Core Business Vocabulary. In order to do this, you need to import cbv as we did in the script above. Then, by typing cbv.actionType. as a parameter of the setAction method of the ObjectEvent class, you will be displayed all the attributes associated to this particular CBV. The list of all CBVs and the respective attributes can be viewed in ./src/cbv/cbv.js.

Custom vocabulary attributes

The SDK allows you to easily search among all default vtypes as defined in the GS1 Web Vocabulary. By typing vtype., you will be displayed all the possible vtypes. This list can be viewed in ./src/cbv/vtype.js.


There are constants that you can find in the constants.js file. There is also an constant object containing all the possible field names for an Entity in the field-names.js file. All these constants can be very useful. Here is an example of field names:

const { fieldNames } = require('epcis2.js');
  // {
  //   type: 'type',
  //   context: '@context',
  //   schemaVersion: 'schemaVersion',
  //   creationDate: 'creationDate',
  //   epcisHeader: 'epcisHeader',
  //   epcisBody: 'epcisBody',
  //   sender: 'sender',
  //   receiver: 'receiver',
  //   instanceIdentifier: 'instanceIdentifier',
  // }

Instantiating events from EPCIS 2.0 objects

In case you have an EPCIS 2.0 object and want to instantiate an EPCIS 2.0 event based on it, the SDK allows you to do so independently of the particular event type. To create such an event, you can do the following:

const { objectToEvent, ObjectEvent, AggregationEvent } = require('epcis2.js');

const object = {
  type: 'ObjectEvent',
  eventID: 'test-sdk-demo:2',
  action: 'OBSERVE',
  bizStep: 'shipping',
  disposition: 'in_transit',
  epcList: ['urn:epc:id:sgtin:0614141.107346.2017', 'urn:epc:id:sgtin:0614141.107346.2018'],
  eventTime: '2005-04-03T20:33:31.116-06:00',
  eventTimeZoneOffset: '-06:00',
  readPoint: {
    id: 'urn:epc:id:sgln:0614141.07346.1234',
  bizTransactionList: [
      type: 'po',
      bizTransaction: 'http://transaction.acme.com/po/12345678',

const event = objectToEvent(object);

console.log(event instanceof ObjectEvent)       // true
console.log(event instanceof AggregationEvent)  // false


The latter should output (as a string):

  "type": "ObjectEvent",
  "eventID": "test-sdk-demo:2",
  "action": "OBSERVE",
  "bizStep": "shipping",
  "disposition": "in_transit",
  "eventTime": "2005-04-03T20:33:31.116-06:00",
  "eventTimeZoneOffset": "-06:00",
  "readPoint": {
    "id": "urn:epc:id:sgln:0614141.07346.1234"
  "epcList": [
  "bizTransactionList": [
      "type": "po",
      "bizTransaction": "http://transaction.acme.com/po/12345678"

The function objectToEvent returns an instance of a different class based on the type property of the EPCIS 2.0 object you pass to it as a parameter. In the example above, as type is set to ObjectEvent, the objectToEvent function returns an instance of the ObjectEvent class. Other event classes available are: AggregationEvent, AssociationEvent, TransactionEvent and TransformationEvent. In case the type property does not match any of these event types, objectToEvent will default to an instance of the ExtendedEvent class.

Default values

You can override the default values of EPCISDocument fields by providing them to the setup function.

You can configure the following fields:

setup({ EPCISDocumentContext: 'value' }); // the '@context' field of the EPCISDocument that you will create will be
// 'value' by default.

The eventTimeZoneOffset property

You have multiple ways to set the eventTimeZoneOffset property of an event (e.g, ObjectEvent).


For each object, you can add extensions. You have two ways to do it:

const readPoint = new ReadPoint({ id: 'myID', 'evt:serial_number': 2839472 });
const readPoint = new ReadPoint({ id: 'myID' });
readPoint.addExtension('evt:serial_number', 2839472);

// you can also remove it

List Fields

Whenever using fields that are arrays (e.g, epcList in an ObjectEvent), the list won't be sent in the request by default. If you add an element to the list, the list will be sent. If you add some elements, and then remove them, the list will be sent even if it is empty. You can override this and choose to not send the empty list by clearing the list.

const o = new ObjectEvent();
const object = o.toObject(); // { type: 'ObjectEvent' } -> the epcList isn't sent

const o = new ObjectEvent().addEPC('...');
const object = o.toObject(); //{ type: 'ObjectEvent', epcList: [ '...' ] } -> the epcList is sent

const o = new ObjectEvent().addEPC('...').removeEPC('...');
const object = o.toObject(); //{ type: 'ObjectEvent', epcList: [] } -> the epcList is sent as an empty array
const object = o.toObject(); //{ type: 'ObjectEvent'} -> the epcList isn't sent anymore

Building the URN

The SDK allows developers to build easily a GS1 URI.

For example, you can easily build a SGTIN URI:

const urn = buildSGTINUri('0614141', '112345', '400'); // returns 'urn:epc:id:sgtin:0614141.112345.400'

Similar function are available for SGLN, SSCC, GRAI, GIAI, GSRN, GSRNP, GDTI, CPI, SGCN, GINC , GSIN, ITIP, GID.

Each function are based on the fields defined in the gs1 official documentation.

Building a digital link from an EPC

The SDK allows developers to build easily a GS1 Digital link from an EPC.

const digitalLink = buildDigitalLinkFromEpc('30740086604E20400000007B');
// digitalLink = 'https://dlnkd.tn.gg/01/00008600800013/21/123'

You can also provide a domain, as a parameter, to have more control over the output:

const digitalLink = buildDigitalLinkFromEpc('30740086604E20400000007B', {
  digitalLinkDomain: 'https://evrythng.com',
// digitalLink = 'https://evrythng.com/01/00008600800013/21/123'

Finally, you can provide the domain in the setup function:

  digitalLinkDomain: 'https://digimarc.com',
const digitalLink = buildDigitalLinkFromEpc('30740086604E20400000007B');
// digitalLink = 'https://digimarc.com/01/00008600800013/21/123'

This feature is still experimental, please submit an issue if you notice an unexpected behaviour.

Generating a hashed ID for an event

You have the possibility to generate a hashed ID for each event you create. The generation algorithm is a pure implementation of the one defined here (section 8.9.2).

Generating a hashed ID allows developers to uniquely identify an EPCIS event or validate the integrity thereof.

To generate a hashed ID of an event, you can call this function:

event.generateHashID(context, throwError);

This method needs to be called once all your field are set since the hash ID is generated according to all your fields

    example: 'http://ns.example.com/epcis/',

Sending a capture event

Setup function

You can override the default settings by providing them to the setup function. For example, you can set a default apiUrl that will be use for each EPCIS request if no apiUrl is provided.

setup({ apiUrl: 'https://api.evrythng.io/v2/epcis' });

Here are the settings that you can configure by default:

The capture function

To send a capture request with your EPCISDocument, you'll need to call the capture function. It accepts an EPCISDocument as first parameter. The second parameter is optional, and can be used to override the settings of the request. For example if you want to override the timeout for a request, you can use:

capture(myEPCISDocumentInstance, { timeout: 2000 });

You can override all the parameters defined in the previous section in the second parameter.

If the documentValidation field of the settings is set to true, and the EPCISDocument hasn't a valid syntax, the function throws an error.

Handling the capture response

To check if the EPCIS document has been digested correctly, you can use the CaptureResponse class.

let res = await capture(epcisDocument);
const cr = new CaptureResponse(res);
// this function polls the capture endpoint until the EPCIS document has been handled by the API. The first param is the 
// number of retry, the second is the delay between each poll and here, we override the timeout of requests to be
// 2s. In this example, it will poll 5 times, with 2s between each poll.
await cr.pollForTheCaptureToFinish(5, 2000, { timeout: 2000 });
console.log(`Running status: ${cr.getRunningStatus()}`);
console.log(`Success status: ${cr.getSuccessStatus()}`);
console.log(`errors: ${cr.getErrors()}`);
console.log(`location: ${cr.getLocation()}`);

As for the capture function, you can override all the parameters defined in the settings in the 3rd parameters of the pollForTheCaptureToFinish function.



To build the sdk, you'll need Node.js >= v12.0.0

First, ensure you did not break anything with: npm run test.

Then, run: npm run build.

You can test the built library by first going into the directory: ./example/node_example and running npm install. Finally run node example_with_creation_from_setters.js.


  1. Before deploying, make sure to run the linter: npm run lint.

  2. Make sure to run the unit tests: npm run test.


When contributing, please make sure to update the version of the library in the package.json file. You'll also need to update the CDN links in the README as well as the example/web-example/index.html's CDN link.

Updating the types

If you added or updated a class, make sure to update the typescript types as well. Most of the code can be generated automatically using npm run build, but you'll probably need to make some changes to have the linter work. Please copy only the modified files.