ewall / meteor-foundation

Foundation by ZURB — an advanced responsive web framework
MIT License
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Foundation for Sites 5.5.3 Build Status

An advanced responsive web framework by ZURB, in a Meteor smart package

About this package

:warning: DEPRECATED: Zurb Foundation for Sites 5 was last updated in 2015. Please consider using Foundation 6.

Available from the Atmosphere package repository or on Github.com.

This package is now up-to-date with the latest Foundation 5. If you are still on Foundation 4, check out my Foundation-4 package instead.

This package includes Foundation's default CSS, and does not include SCSS files. If you want to use SCSS, consider either the foundation5-sass or zf5 packages, which are well-maintained by users more skilled with sassy CSS than I am.

About Foundation

Foundation is an advanced responsive web framework. It features a flexible grid useful for rapid prototyping and mobile-ready design, and the results are beautiful, readable web sites. Version 4 was built with "Mobile First" RWD, semantic-friendly markup, and all new JavaScript. (Note that version 4 no longer supports IE 7 & 8—so hopefully you don't have to either!)

Checkout the Kitchen Sink page to view all the elements in their native splendor. Or browse the Case Studies to see some sites which were built with Foundation and get ideas how it can be tweaked and customized to fit your style.

How to install

  1. npm install -g meteorite (if not already installed)
  2. mrt add foundation
  3. Minified CSS and JS files will be linked in your client-side code.
  4. Foundation's JavaScripts are already initialized in your client.

Version History


Detailed documentation can be found at http://foundation.zurb.com/docs/

Getting Started

ZURB has provided some great sample templates with a handful of common layouts which you could use to get started fast.

Getting Help

Just Because

The Foundation Yeti