ewenig / XKit

Fork of XKit, the Extension framework for Tumblr
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XKit is a small extension framework that powers tweaks for Tumblr.

Get a release build

Currently we support Firefox and Chrome officially. We support Opera unofficially using the same file as the Chrome extension, which you can download here.

Support Join the chat at https://gitter.im/new-xkit/support

First, check the list of issues, and see if there's something there that looks like the problem you're having. Otherwise, file a new issue or come join our support chat; visit our live support page or join our Gitter chat if you have a GitHub account. We don't bite!


XKit needs all the help it can get! If you want to help out, the first step is finding something going wrong. There's a long list of known issues on our issues page and on the original issues page. The next step is to fix the bug.

Come join us in the XKit repo chat if you get stuck, or want some advice! There's normally a few people lurking in there any time of day.

Writing a New Extension

Check out the wiki page!

Develop XKit

Review the project prerequisites and learn how to build XKit from source over on the wiki.


In your clone of this repository run:

npm install

To build XKit from source, run:

gulp build

Builds can be found in the build/ directory.

For a list of available build tasks, see the documentation.