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Builds you into the pit of success
We hate writing build scripts and continuous integration (ci) templates every time
we start a new project or when we work on a project that does not have them. I'm sure you do as well. This is where crane
comes in.
Invoke crane
and it can build you a blank project, complete with a build or you can get crane
to assemble you a build on an existing project. No more messing around for hours on a build server!!
To install crane, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
choco install crane
Don't have chocolatey installed? https://chocolatey.org/
crane init SallyFx
This creates a new project called SallyFx in the current directory.
> crane init SallyFx
| build.ps1
| default.ps1
| NuGet.exe
| psake-ext.psm1
| psake.ps1
| psake.psm1
| SallyFx.sln
| packages.config
| | Calculator.cs
| | SallyFx.csproj
| |
| \---Properties
| AssemblyInfo.cs
| CalculatorFeature.cs
| packages.config
| SallyFx.UnitTests.csproj
You can now build this project...
initializes a new project.
crane init SallyFx
create a new project called 'SallyFx'
The default crane project is quite opinionated we have made lots of decisions. Here are the highlights:
Project template
help {command}
lists required and optional parameters for commands
crane help init
show help for the init command