ewoodhead / QuantumNPA.jl

NPA in Julia
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Code to do NPA in Julia. In development - names of important functions or even the entire project could change.


using Pkg; Pkg.add(url="https://github.com/ewoodhead/QuantumNPA.jl");

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using QuantumNPA

Working examples

Maximise CHSH at level 2 of the hierarchy:

julia> @dichotomic A1 A2 B1 B2;

julia> S = A1*(B1 + B2) + A2*(B1 - B2)
A1 B1 + A1 B2 + A2 B1 - A2 B2

julia> npa_max(S, 2)

Maximise Svetlichny at level 1 + A B + A C + B C:

julia> @dichotomic A[1:2] B[1:2] C[1:2];

julia> E(x,y,z) = A[x]*B[y]*C[z]
E (generic function with 1 method)

julia> S = -E(1,1,1) + E(1,1,2) + E(1,2,1) + E(1,2,2) + E(2,1,1) + E(2,1,2) + E(2,2,1) - E(2,2,2)
-A1 B1 C1 + A1 B1 C2 + A1 B2 C1 + A1 B2 C2 + A2 B1 C1 + A2 B1 C2 + A2 B2 C1 - A2 B2 C2

julia> npa_max(S, "1 + A B + A C + B C")

(note that the spaces e.g. between A and B are necessary in the string, since party labels go from A to Z then AA to ZZ then AAA to ZZZ...)

Maximise a modified CHSH at level 1 + A B + A^2 B:

julia> npa_max(0.3 * A1 + 0.6 * A1*(B1 + B2) + A2*(B1 - B2), "1 + A B + A^2 B")

You can specify both equality and inequality arguments using the eq and ge keyword arguments. These should be lists of operators whose expectation values you want, respectively, to set to and lower bound by zero. For example, to maximise <A1> subject to <A1*(B1 + B2)> = 1.4 and <A2*(B1 - B2)> = 1.4:

julia> npa_max(A1, 2, eq=[A1*(B1 + B2) - 1.4*Id, A2*(B1 - B2) - 1.4*Id])

Maximise <A1 + A2> subject to <A1 + 2*A2> <= 1 and <2*A1 + A2> <= 1:

julia> npa_max(A1 + A2, 1, ge=[Id - A1 - 2*A2, Id - 2*A1 - A2])

Maximise <A1 + A2> subject to <A1> = <A2> and <A1 + 2*A2> <= 1:

julia> npa_max(A1 + A2, 1, eq=[A1 - A2], ge=[1 - A1 - 2*A2])

The above examples all use dichotomic variables, but projectors are also supported. Here we maximise the CH74 form of CHSH:

julia> PA11, PA12 = projector(1,1,1:2);

julia> PB11, PB12 = projector(2,1,1:2);

julia> npa_max(-PA11 - PB11 + PA11*(PB11 + PB12) + PA12*(PB11 - PB12), 1)

julia> (sqrt(2) - 1)/2

Maximise CGLMP with d=3 at level 1 + A B:

julia> npa_max(cglmp(3), "1 + A B")

julia> 1 + sqrt(11/3)

This uses a function cglmp() already defined in qnpa.jl to construct the CGLMP operator.

Maximise the global guessing probability Pg(A1,B1|E) in the CHSH setting using full statistics:

# Create projectors. The keyword argument 'full=true' means that the
# operator corresponding to the highest-numbered output is directly set to
# the identity minus the other ones. For example,
#   PA[2,1] = Id - PA[1,1]
# and
#   PE[4] = Id - PE[1] - PE[2] - PE[3]
# This is meant to make working in the Collins-Gisin projection (which the
# NPA code uses) more convenient.
PA = projector(1, 1:2, 1:2, full=true)
PB = projector(2, 1:2, 1:2, full=true)
PE = projector(5, 1:4, 1, full=true)

# CHSH = 2*sqrt(2) * p
p = 0.9

# Expectation value of G is the probability that Eve correctly guesses
# Alice's and Bob's joint outcome.
G = sum(PA[a,1] * PB[b,1] * PE[2*(a-1) + b]
        for a in 1:2 for b in 1:2)

# Ideal CHSH-violating correlations mixed with noise. N.B., the actual
# constraints imposed are on the expectation values of the operators
# in the array.
constraints = [PA[1,1] - 0.5*Id,
               PA[1,2] - 0.5*Id,
               PB[1,1] - 0.5*Id,
               PB[1,2] - 0.5*Id,
               PA[1,1]*PB[1,1] - 0.25*(1 + p/sqrt(2))*Id,
               PA[1,1]*PB[1,2] - 0.25*(1 + p/sqrt(2))*Id,
               PA[1,2]*PB[1,1] - 0.25*(1 + p/sqrt(2))*Id,
               PA[1,2]*PB[1,2] - 0.25*(1 - p/sqrt(2))*Id]

# This returns about 0.7467 for p = 0.9 at level 2 using the default SCS
# solver.
npa_max(G, 2, eq=constraints)

QuantumNPA calls the SCS solver by default (since it doesn't require a license) to solve the NPA relaxation of a quantum optimisation problem, but a keyword argument solver lets you specify a different one. E.g., solve a problem using Mosek (which you need a license file to use):

julia> using MosekTools

julia> npa_max(S, 2, solver=Mosek.Optimizer)

You can also change the default solver if you don't want to specify it every time, e.g.,

julia> set_solver!(Mosek.Optimizer)

If you want to construct a JuMP model and solve it separately:

julia> model = npa2jump(S, "1 + A B", solver=SCS.Optimizer)
A JuMP Model
Minimization problem with:
Variables: 45
Objective function type: AffExpr
`AffExpr`-in-`MathOptInterface.EqualTo{Float64}`: 16 constraints
`Vector{VariableRef}`-in-`MathOptInterface.PositiveSemidefiniteConeTriangle`: 1 constraint
Model mode: AUTOMATIC
CachingOptimizer state: EMPTY_OPTIMIZER
Solver name: SCS

julia> optimize!(model)
               SCS v3.2.0 - Splitting Conic Solver
        (c) Brendan O'Donoghue, Stanford University, 2012
problem:  variables n: 45, constraints m: 61
cones:    z: primal zero / dual free vars: 16
          s: psd vars: 45, ssize: 1
settings: eps_abs: 1.0e-04, eps_rel: 1.0e-04, eps_infeas: 1.0e-07
          alpha: 1.50, scale: 1.00e-01, adaptive_scale: 1
          max_iters: 100000, normalize: 1, rho_x: 1.00e-06
          acceleration_lookback: 10, acceleration_interval: 10
lin-sys:  sparse-direct
          nnz(A): 81, nnz(P): 0
 iter | pri res | dua res |   gap   |   obj   |  scale  | time (s)
     0| 2.22e+01  1.00e+00  2.00e+02 -9.98e+01  1.00e-01  1.40e-04 
    75| 1.51e-05  5.94e-08  5.35e-08  2.83e+00  1.00e-01  3.10e-03 
status:  solved
timings: total: 3.48e-03s = setup: 3.66e-04s + solve: 3.11e-03s
         lin-sys: 2.47e-04s, cones: 2.58e-03s, accel: 1.57e-05s
objective = 2.828427

julia> objective_value(model)

If you call npa2jump() without the solver keyword argument then a solver isn't assigned, and you will have to assign one to the JuMP model using JuMP's set_optimizer() function. You can also suppress the output of the solver by either calling npa2jump() with the keyword argument verbose set to false or by using JuMP's set_silent() function on the returned JuMP model.

Basic features

We can do arithmetic with and take conjugates of some different types of operators that we associate to different parties. At the moment:

The identity is represented by a variable Id that is predefined.

julia> Id

julia> projector(1, 2, 3)

julia> PA = projector(1, 1:2, 1:2);

julia> PB = projector(2, 1:2, 1:2);

julia> PA[1,1]

julia> PA[1,1]*PB[1,1]
PA1|1 PB1|1

julia> PB[1,1]*PA[1,1]
PA1|1 PB1|1

julia> PA[1,1]*PA[2,1]

julia> PA[1,1]*PA[1,1]

julia> UA = unitary(1, 1:3);

julia> V = UA[1]*conj(UA[2])*UA[3]
UA1 UA*2 UA3

julia> P = PA[1,1] + V
PA1|1 + UA1 UA*2 UA3

julia> conj(P)
PA1|1 + UA*3 UA2 UA*1

julia> P*P
PA1|1 + PA1|1 UA1 UA*2 UA3 + UA1 UA*2 UA3 PA1|1 + UA1 UA*2 UA3 UA1 UA*2 UA3

julia> conj(P)*P
Id + PA1|1 + PA1|1 UA1 UA*2 UA3 + UA*3 UA2 UA*1 PA1|1

julia> Q = Id + V*PA[1,1]
Id + UA1 UA*2 UA3 PA1|1

julia> Q*Q
Id + 2 UA1 UA*2 UA3 PA1|1 + UA1 UA*2 UA3 PA1|1 UA1 UA*2 UA3 PA1|1

julia> conj(Q)*Q
Id + PA1|1 + PA1|1 UA*3 UA2 UA*1 + UA1 UA*2 UA3 PA1|1

julia> ZE = generic(5, 1:2);

julia> R = PA[1,1]*PB[2,2]*ZE[1]*ZE[2]
PA1|1 PB2|2 ZE1 ZE2

julia> conj(R)
PA1|1 PB2|2 ZE*2 ZE*1

julia> FA = fourier(1, 9, 1, 5)

julia> FA^0

julia> FA^3

julia> conj(FA^3)

julia> FA^5

julia> FA^6

julia> conj(FA^3)*FA^3

julia> FA*FA

julia> conj((FA*FA)^4)

julia> A1, A2 = dichotomic(1, 1:2);

julia> B1, B2 = dichotomic(2, 1:2);

julia> S = A1*(B1 + B2) + A2*(B1 - B2)
A1 B1 + A1 B2 + A2 B1 - A2 B2

julia> S^2
4 Id - A1 A2 B1 B2 + A1 A2 B2 B1 + A2 A1 B1 B2 - A2 A1 B2 B1

The above examples illustrate basic manipulation of monomials and polynomials of different kinds of operator expressions. Note that polynomials can also have matrix coefficients:

julia> P = [1 0; 0 1] * Id + [0 1; 1 0] * A1
[1 0; 0 1] Id + [0 1; 1 0] A1

julia> Q = [1 2; 3 4] * Id + [5 6; 7 8] * B1
[1 2; 3 4] Id + [5 6; 7 8] B1

julia> P*Q
[1 2; 3 4] Id + [3 4; 1 2] A1 + [5 6; 7 8] B1 + [7 8; 5 6] A1 B1

In this case, the dimensions of the coefficients of expressions that are added to, subtracted from, or multiplied with each other must match. (Polynomials with matrix coefficients are used by this library to represent the NPA moment matrix.)

The functions that create monomials and their parameters are

dichotomic(party, input)
fourier(party, input, power, d)
projector(party, output, input, full=false)
unitary(party, index, conj=false)
generic(party, index, conj=false)

In these:

Party labels go from A to Z for parties 1 to 26, then AA to ZZ starting from party 27, then AAA to ZZZ, and so on. Because of this, be aware that it is possible for different operators to end up being printed the same way:

julia> x = unitary(1, 3)

julia> y = dichotomic(547, 3)

julia> y*y

julia> x*x

julia> conj(x)*x

julia> x*y

julia> conj(x)*y
UA*3 UA3

A few examples illustrating different ways of calling the projector() function:

julia> projector(1, 1:2, 1:2)
2×2 Array{Monomial,2}:
 PA1|1  PA1|2
 PA2|1  PA2|2

julia> projector(1, 1:3, 1:2, full=true)
3×2 Array{Any,2}:
 PA1|1               PA1|2
 PA2|1               PA2|2
 Id - PA1|1 - PA2|1  Id - PA1|2 - PA2|2

julia> generic(1, 1:3)
3-element Array{Monomial,1}:

Examples illustrating commutation relations with dichotomic operators:

julia> A1, A2 = dichotomic(1, 1:2);

julia> B1, B2 = dichotomic(2, 1:2);

julia> A_C1 = dichotomic([1,3], 1);

julia> A1*B1
A1 B1

julia> B1*A1
A1 B1

julia> A1*A_C1
A1 A_C1

julia> A_C1*A1
A_C1 A1

julia> A1*B1*A_C1
A1 B1 A_C1

julia> A1*B1*A_C1*A2*B2
A1 B1 B2 A_C1 A2

julia> A1*B1*A_C1*A1*B1
A1 A_C1 A1

julia> X = A1*B1
A1 B1

julia> Y = A_C1*X
B1 A_C1 A1

julia> A_C1*Y
A1 B1

In the last few evaluations, notice how B1 starts behind A1, but then moves to the front of the expression when A_C1 is added, then ends up behind A1 again after the A_C1 is cancelled out.

I am working on writing macros to automatically create variables using "standard" names. At the moment you can do, e.g., this to create some dichotomic variables:

@dichotomic A1 A2 B1 B2 C[1:3]

The above macro invocation does essentially the same as running the following:

A1 = dichotomic(1, 1)
A2 = dichotomic(1, 2)
B1 = dichotomic(2, 1)
B2 = dichotomic(2, 2)
C = dichotomic(3, 1:3)

There are no special relations (at least, at the moment) between the different types of operators, so you shouldn't, for example, mix projectors and dichotomic operators unless you consider them to be unrelated to each other:

julia> dichotomic(1, 1) * projector(1, 1, 1)
A1 PA1|1

julia> dichotomic(1, 1) - (2*projector(1, 1, 1) - Id)
Id + A1 - 2 PA1|1

Finally, it may be worth stressing that operators are objects that can be manipulated in the same sorts of ways as other types of objects in Julia, such as putting them in arrays or other data structures. For example, dichotomic(p, 1:n) returns a one-dimensional array of dichotomic operators, which we can then use in vector expressions such as:

julia> A = dichotomic(1, 1:2)
2-element Vector{Monomial}:

julia> B = dichotomic(2, 1:2)
2-element Vector{Monomial}:

julia> M = [1 1; 1 -1]
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 1   1
 1  -1

julia> A'*M*B
A1 B1 + A1 B2 + A2 B1 - A2 B2

julia> kron(A, B)
4-element Vector{Union{Monomial, Polynomial}}:
 A1 B1
 A1 B2
 A2 B1
 A2 B2

julia> [1,1,1,-1]'*kron(A, B)
A1 B1 + A1 B2 + A2 B1 - A2 B2

julia> V = [Id; A; B; kron(A, B)]'
1×9 adjoint(::Vector{Union{Monomial, Polynomial}}) with eltype Union{Monomial, Polynomial}:
 Id  A1  A2  B1  B2  A1 B1  A1 B2  A2 B1  A2 B2

julia> V'*V
9×9 Matrix{Monomial}:
 Id     A1        A2        B1        B2        …  A2 B1        A2 B2
 A1     Id        A1 A2     A1 B1     A1 B2        A1 A2 B1     A1 A2 B2
 A2     A2 A1     Id        A2 B1     A2 B2        B1           B2
 B1     A1 B1     A2 B1     Id        B1 B2        A2           A2 B1 B2
 B2     A1 B2     A2 B2     B2 B1     Id           A2 B2 B1     A2
 A1 B1  B1        A1 A2 B1  A1        A1 B1 B2  …  A1 A2        A1 A2 B1 B2
 A1 B2  B2        A1 A2 B2  A1 B2 B1  A1           A1 A2 B2 B1  A1 A2
 A2 B1  A2 A1 B1  B1        A2        A2 B1 B2     Id           B1 B2
 A2 B2  A2 A1 B2  B2        A2 B2 B1  A2           B2 B1        Id

Analysing, modifying, and deconstructing operators

Monomials and polynomials are objects of different types, although a polynomial consisting of a single monomial multiplied by 1 is printed the same as a monomial:

julia> P = projector(1, 1, 1)

julia> typeof(P)

julia> Q = 1*P

julia> typeof(Q)

julia> S
A1 B1 + A1 B2 + A2 B1 - A2 B2

julia> typeof(S)

If you need to ensure a given object is a polynomial you can "promote" it by calling Polynomial() on it. This does nothing if the argument is already a polynomial:

julia> x = Polynomial(1)

julia> y = Polynomial(Id)

julia> z = Polynomial(S)
A1 B1 + A1 B2 + A2 B1 - A2 B2

julia> typeof.([x, y, z])
3-element Array{DataType,1}:

Note that, in the last case, the polynomial returned is the same as (and not a copy of) the original, which means that modifying z here will modify S since they are the same object:

julia> z === S

julia> z[A1] = 7

julia> S
7 A1 + A1 B1 + A1 B2 + A2 B1 - A2 B2

If you want to create a copy of a polynomial that you can safely modify without changing the original you can call the copy() function to do this:

julia> S = A1*(B1 + B2) + A2*(B1 - B2)
A1 B1 + A1 B2 + A2 B1 - A2 B2

julia> z = copy(S)
A1 B1 + A1 B2 + A2 B1 - A2 B2

julia> z === S

julia> z[A1] = 7

julia> z
7 A1 + A1 B1 + A1 B2 + A2 B1 - A2 B2

julia> S
A1 B1 + A1 B2 + A2 B1 - A2 B2

As the two above examples suggest, you can access and/or modify the coefficient associated to a given monomial using []:

julia> S[A1*B1]

julia> S[A1]

You can get all the monomials in a polynomial by calling the monomials() function on it:

julia> monomials(S)
Base.KeySet for a Dict{Monomial,Number} with 4 entries. Keys:
  A1 B2
  A1 B1
  A2 B1
  A2 B2

Polynomials will also act as iterators over pairs of their nonzero coefficients and monomials in contexts where an iterator is expected:

julia> collect(S)
4-element Vector{Any}:
 Pair{Number,Monomial}(-1, A2 B2)
 Pair{Number,Monomial}(1, A1 B2)
 Pair{Number,Monomial}(1, A2 B1)
 Pair{Number,Monomial}(1, A1 B1)

julia> for (c, m) in S
           @printf "%s  =>  %2d\n" m c
A2 B1  =>   1
A1 B2  =>   1
A2 B2  =>  -1
A1 B1  =>   1

If you want to iterate over the monomials in lexicographical order you can just call sort() on the polynomial first:

julia> for (c, m) in sort(S)
           @printf "%s  =>  %2d\n" m c
A1 B1  =>   1
A1 B2  =>   1
A2 B1  =>   1
A2 B2  =>  -1

In order to help analyse a problem, there is a function operators() that can find and return all the individual (order 1) operators in one or more monomials and polynomials or collections of such operators. For instance, if we wanted to maximise the local guessing probability in the CHSH setting using full statistics we might represent the problem by an objective polynomial and a list of constraint polynomials whose expectation values we want to set to zero:

A1, A2 = dichotomic(1, 1:2)
B1, B2 = dichotomic(2, 1:2)
E1 = dichotomic(5, 1)

objective = (1 + A1*E1)/2

constraints = [A1, A2, B1, B2,
               A1*B1 - 0.7*Id,
               A1*B2 - 0.7*Id,
               A2*B1 - 0.7*Id,
               A2*B2 + 0.7*Id]

Assuming these variable definitions, we can use the operators() function to immediately find all the level-one operators in the problem:

julia> operators(objective, constraints)
Set{Monomial} with 5 elements:

operators() can optionally take a keyword argument by_party which is set to false by default. Setting it to true groups the level-one operators by party and returns a dictionary of the parties and operators associated to those parties:

julia> operators(objective, constraints, by_party=true)
Dict{Integer,Set{Monomial}} with 3 entries:
  2 => Set(Monomial[B1, B2])
  5 => Set(Monomial[E1])
  1 => Set(Monomial[A2, A1])

This is useful for constructing operators at intermediate levels of the NPA hierarchy like "1 + A B + A E + B E".

NPA example

This short example finds what operators appear and where in the NPA moment matrix at level 2 for the CHSH problem. It covers only the upper triangular part and treats monomials and their conjugates as the same.

A1, A2 = dichotomic(1, 1:2)
B1, B2 = dichotomic(2, 1:2)
ops1 = [Id, A1, A2, B1, B2]
ops2 = sort(Set(O1*O2 for O1 in ops1 for O2 in ops1))

indices = Dict()

indexed_ops = collect(enumerate(ops2))

for (i, x) in indexed_ops
    for (j, y) in indexed_ops[i:end]
        m = conj(x)*y
        m = min(m, conj(m))

        if haskey(indices, m)
            push!(indices[m], (i, j))
            indices[m] = [(i, j)]

This gives:

julia> for (m, l) in sort!(collect(indices), by=first)
           @printf "%11s  =>  %s\n" m l
         Id  =>  [(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5), (6, 6), (7, 7), (8, 8), (9, 9), (10, 10), (11, 11), (12, 12), (13, 13)]
         A1  =>  [(1, 2), (3, 7), (4, 8), (5, 9)]
         A2  =>  [(1, 3), (2, 6), (4, 10), (5, 11)]
         B1  =>  [(1, 4), (2, 8), (3, 10), (5, 13)]
         B2  =>  [(1, 5), (2, 9), (3, 11), (4, 12)]
      A1 A2  =>  [(1, 6), (1, 7), (2, 3), (8, 10), (9, 11)]
      A1 B1  =>  [(1, 8), (2, 4), (7, 10), (9, 13)]
      A1 B2  =>  [(1, 9), (2, 5), (7, 11), (8, 12)]
      A2 B1  =>  [(1, 10), (3, 4), (6, 8), (11, 13)]
      A2 B2  =>  [(1, 11), (3, 5), (6, 9), (10, 12)]
      B1 B2  =>  [(1, 12), (1, 13), (4, 5), (8, 9), (10, 11)]
   A1 A2 A1  =>  [(2, 7)]
   A2 A1 A2  =>  [(3, 6)]
   A1 A2 B1  =>  [(2, 10), (3, 8), (4, 6), (4, 7)]
   A1 A2 B2  =>  [(2, 11), (3, 9), (5, 6), (5, 7)]
   A1 B1 B2  =>  [(2, 12), (2, 13), (4, 9), (5, 8)]
   A2 B1 B2  =>  [(3, 12), (3, 13), (4, 11), (5, 10)]
   B1 B2 B1  =>  [(4, 13)]
   B2 B1 B2  =>  [(5, 12)]
A1 A2 A1 A2  =>  [(6, 7)]
A1 A2 A1 B1  =>  [(7, 8)]
A1 A2 A1 B2  =>  [(7, 9)]
A2 A1 A2 B1  =>  [(6, 10)]
A2 A1 A2 B2  =>  [(6, 11)]
A1 A2 B1 B2  =>  [(6, 13), (7, 12), (8, 11)]
A1 A2 B2 B1  =>  [(6, 12), (7, 13), (9, 10)]
A1 B1 B2 B1  =>  [(8, 13)]
A1 B2 B1 B2  =>  [(9, 12)]
A2 B1 B2 B1  =>  [(10, 13)]
A2 B2 B1 B2  =>  [(11, 12)]
B1 B2 B1 B2  =>  [(12, 13)]

The example above uses min(m, conj(m)) to find which of m or its conjugate comes first lexicographically. It works because comparisons between monomials are defined:

julia> A1 == A1

julia> A1 < A1

julia> A1 < A2

julia> A2 < A1*A2

sort used above works for the same reason. == and != (but not the inequalities) can also be used to compare monomials with polynomials or polynomials with each other:

julia> A1 == 1*A1

julia> A1 < 1*A1
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching isless(::Monomial, ::Polynomial)

Comments on implementation

This last section gives some details about how operators are implemented. This is mainly of interest to people who want to better understand what the code does and how it works or want to modify it.

The basic idea behind this whole library is that the NPA hierarchy method itself is pretty straightforward if the types of operators you need are supported. One then just has to compute all the operator products appearing in the upper triangular part of the moment matrix and check for relations between the results that translate to constraints on the moment matrix. So the main thing this library aims to do is add support to Julia for doing arithmetic and automatically simplifying products of certain types of operators commonly encountered in quantum optimisation problems that can be handled with the NPA hierarchy.

There are three main types of operator defined in the code. They are:


Operator is an abstract type. This essentially means it is a collective name for several concrete types that, throughout the code, are assumed to have certain common properties making them interchangeable to a significant extent. In particular, they can be passed as arguments to certain functions such as conj() and Base.:*. The concrete subtypes, such as Dichotomic, are structs representing the different types of operators supported. What fields they have depends on the type. For example, Dichotomic objects have one field index for the index, Projectors have two for the output and input, and unitaries have an integer index and boolean conj field tracking whether they are conjugated or not.

Objects of the different basic operator types are structs containing data about them. They are created by calling their constructors, which are functions with the same (capitalised) names as the types. For example:

julia> x = Dichotomic(2)

julia> fieldnames(Dichotomic)

julia> x.input

julia> y = Projector(2, 3)

julia> fieldnames(Projector)
(:output, :input)

julia> (y.output, y.input)
(2, 3)

julia> u = Unitary(3, true)

julia> fieldnames(Unitary)
(:index, :conj)

julia> (u.index, u.conj)
(3, true)

(Note that these constructors are not exported by the QuantumNPA module; you either need to prefix their names, e.g., QuantumNPA.Dichotomic, or load the codebase with include("qnpa.jl") to call them.)

The file src/ops_primitive.jl defines default implementations of certain key functions that have to be supported for all operators, which can then be overriden when the default behaviour is not correct. For example, conj() is defined generically for operators to just return the original operator:

Base.conj(o::Operator) = o

This is fine for operators that are meant to be Hermitian:

julia> cx = conj(x)

julia> cx === x

But non-Hermitian types have conjugates that have to be determined in different ways depending on the type and therefore need their own specialised versions of conj(). For instance, Unitary objects have a conj field and a version of conj() specialised for unitaries just toggles it. Its definition is generated by a macro and amounts to

Base.conj(u::Unitary) = Unitary(u.index, !u.conj)

It is this version that gets called if conj() is called with a unitary argument:

julia> u.conj

julia> v = conj(u)

julia> v.conj

How to multiply operators and, especially, when the product of two operators can be simplified is determined by a generic and specialised versions of Base.:*. The generic version is:

Base.:*(x::Operator, y::Operator) = (1, [x, y])

This just means that the default rule is to concatenate operators that are multiplied together, represented by the list [x, y]. The number 1 above is a multiplicative coefficient. This allows for the possibility of scaling factors appearing in multiplications in the future (such as something like an unnormalised projector that squares to a multiple of itself). Currently there are no such operators defined in the codebase and the coefficient is always zero or one.

The implementation above is not sufficient for most of the operator types and, in practice, the generic multiplication rule is usually fallen back on to multiply operators of different types, e.g.,

julia> x*y
(1, Operator[/2, P2|3])

while multiplication of operators of the same type is usually handled by specialised versions. Among these, Dichotomic objects have among the simplest nontrivial multiplication rules: the product of two dichotomic operators is the identity if their input fields are the same, otherwise they just concatenate. The implementation is:

function Base.:*(x::Dichotomic, y::Dichotomic)
    return (x.input == y.input) ? (1, []) : (1, [x, y])

with the empty vector [] used to represent the identity.

Products are represented by vectors (one-dimensional arrays) of operators. A function join_ops(), defined near the beginning of src/ops_primitive.jl, determines how to multiply products. It takes two vectors of operators, opsx and opsy, and basically takes out and multiplies the last element of opsx and opsy, repeats this if the result is [] (representing the identity), and then returns the concatenation of the remaining elements of opsx, the last non-empty product, and the remaining opsy. An example invocation:

julia> p = [u, x]
2-element Vector{Operator}:

julia> q = [x, y]
2-element Vector{Operator}:

julia> join_ops(p, q)
(1, Operator[U*3, P2|3])


Monomials are the most basic type of operator that are meant to be created and manipulated in normal use of QuantumNPA. They represent products of operators grouped into different parties. They are structs whose only field, word, contains a vector [(p1, ops1), (p2, ops2), ...] of pairs of party vectors p1, p2, etc. and vectors of operators ops1, ops2 (of the type used by the join_ops() function described above) associated to those parties. Thus, we can look at the contents of a Monomial by accessing its word field:

julia> (A1, A2) = dichotomic(1, 1:2);

julia> PB11 = projector(2, 1, 1);

julia> (UE1, UE2) = unitary(5, 1:2);

julia> M = A1*A2*PB11*UE1*UE2
A1 A2 PB1|1 UE1 UE2

julia> M.word
3-element Vector{Tuple{Vector{Int64}, Vector{Operator}}}:
 ([1], [/1, /2])
 ([2], [P1|1])
 ([5], [U1, U2])

Party vectors (on the left of the example above) are vectors of integers representing which party or parties a group of operators are associated to. Valid party vectors are vectors of integers, such as [1, 2, 4], in which all the integers are in strictly increasing order and the first (and smallest) integer is at least one. One party vector p is considered to lexicographically precede another q if length(p) < length(q) or if length(p) == length(q) and p < q. Often, they will just contain a single party, e.g. , [1], but this isn't required. Operators associated to different parties are taken to commute if the intersection of the party vectors is empty. Thus [1] commutes with [2] and [1,3] commutes with [2,4], but [1,2] does not commute with, for example, [2] or [2,3]

Monomial objects are meant to represent monomials in a certain reduced canonical form. A monomial is considered in correctly reduced form if:

  1. The party vectors are valid and appear in lexicographic order as much as commutation relations between them allow. This basically means that if a party vector p is immediately followed by a party vector q then either p must precede q lexicographically or they must have nonzero intersection.

  2. The vectors of operators are nonempty and reduced as much as possible. For example, a valid vector should not contain the same dichotomic operator twice, or a unitary and its conjucate, directly following one another.

A few key functions, particularly Base.:*(), conj(), and adjoint(), are responsible for maintaining these conventions, i.e., they should return monomials in the above-described canonical form assuming their inputs are in canonical form. So the recommended way to build monomials in most cases is to start with monomials containing a single operator and multiply them to construct longer monomials. A monomial containing just one operator can be created by calling the Monomial function with a party vector and operator as arguments, e.g.,

julia> M = Monomial([1], Dichotomic(2))

julia> M.word
1-element Vector{Tuple{Vector{Int64}, Vector{Operator}}}:
 ([1], [/2])

It is also possible to construct a Monomial by calling Monomial() with an array of pairs of party vectors and vectors of operators as an argument, but this way isn't very readable and makes it easy to generate invalid monomials, and so should be avoided.


Polynomial objects represent linear combinations of monomials, such as A1 + 2 A2 B1. They have a single field, terms, which is a dictionary mapping monomials to coefficients:

julia> P = 3*Id + 2*A1*A2
3 Id + 2 A1 A2

julia> P.terms
Dict{Monomial, Number} with 2 entries:
  Id    => 3
  A1 A2 => 2

Only terms with nonzero coeffients should be stored. The arithmetic functions and indexed assignment (setindex!(), which makes p[p] = c work) don't create or remove pairs for which the coefficient is zero. So setting a term to zero deletes it from the dictionary:

julia> P
3 Id + 2 A1 A2

julia> P[A1*A2] = 0

julia> P
3 Id

julia> P.terms
Dict{Monomial, Number} with 1 entry:
  Id => 3

The zero polynomial is represented by an empty dictionary.

There are a few different versions of the Polynomial() constructor. The basic one takes a dictionary mapping monomials to coefficients and simply uses that as the terms field. This is only meant to be used internally, and with care, since it can be used to create "invalid" polynomials that break assumptions made elsewhere in the library:

julia> Q = Polynomial(Dict(A1*A2 => 0))
0 A1 A2

julia> Q == 0

Other versions create a polynomial with no input argument (returns the zero polynomial), or a number, a monomial, a number and monomial, or a polynomial:

julia> Polynomial()

julia> Polynomial(3)
3 Id

julia> Polynomial(A1)

julia> Polynomial(3, A1)
3 A1

julia> Polynomial(P)
3 Id

As mentioned above, the latter just returns the polynomial given as input. The fourth one is used to define multiplication of a number by a monomial in src/ops_polynomial.jl:

Base.:*(x::Number, y::Monomial) = Polynomial(x, y)
Base.:*(x::Monomial, y::Number) = Polynomial(y, x)


I started development of this library while a postdoc in the Laboratoire d'Information Quantique at the Université libre de Bruxelles in Belgium. Since November 2022 I have continued work on this project at Quantinuum.