exafmm / pyexafmm

Kernel Independent Fast Multipole Method in Python
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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fmm hpc numba python3


PyExaFMM is an adaptive particle kernel-independent FMM based on [1], written in pure Python with some extensions. Representing a compromise between portability, maintainability, and performance.

PyExaFMM is no longer supported actively, and instead serves as an example for the kernel independent FMM in Python.


Build from source

# Clone
git clone git@github.com:exafmm/pyexafmm.git
cd pyexafmm

# Build
python -m pip install .


Experimental Data

After installation, you must pre-compute and cache the FMM operators and octree for your dataset. Most of these are calculated using the techniques in [1], notably M2M and L2L matrices can be computed for a single parent node and its children, and scaled in a simple fashion for the kernels implemented by PyExaFMM. We sparsify the M2L operators using a technique based on randomized SVD compression [2] and transfer vectors [3].

This is done via a config.json file, PyExaFMM will look for this in your current working directory, which allows you to configure experimental parameters, as well as choose a kernel, and computational backend, which optimise the operator methods of the FMM using different approaches.

    "experiment": "test",
    "npoints": 1000000,
    "data_type": "random",
    "order_equivalent": 5,
    "order_check": 5,
    "kernel": "laplace",
    "backend": "numba",
    "alpha_inner": 1.05,
    "alpha_outer": 2.9,
    "max_level": 10,
    "max_points": 150,
    "target_rank": 20,
    "precision": "single"
Parameter Description
experiment Experiment name, used to label HDF5 database
npoints Number of points to generate in test data using demo functions.
data_type Type of test data to generate.
order_equivalent Order of multipole expansions, same as discretization of equivalent surface.
order_check Order of local expansions, same as discretization of check surface.
kernel Kernel function to use, currently only supports laplace.
backend Compute backend to use, currently only supports Numba.
alpha_inner Relative size of inner surface's radius.
alpha_outer Relative size of outer surface's radius.
max_level Depth of octree to use in simulations.
target_rank Target rank in low-rank compression of M2L matrix.
precision Experimental precision, 'single' or 'double'.

PyExaFMM provides some simple test-data generation functions, which can be configured for. However, to use your own data, simply create a HDF5 file, with the same name as experiment in your configuration file, with the following group hierarchy,

    |_ sources/
    |_ source_densities/
    |_ targets/

where sources and targets are the coordinates of your source and target particles resp., of shape (nsources/ntargets, 3), and source densities is of shape (nsources, 1).

The CLI workflow is as follows,

# Generate test data (optional)
fmm generate-test-data -c config

# Run operator and tree pre-computations
fmm compute-operators -c config

Once this is done, you'll be left with a .hdf5 database of precomputed parametrization, with the same name as your specified experiment parameter from your config.json. If you've used your own data, then the operator pre-computations will be written into the same HDF5 file.

Configure Threading Layer

We optimize PyExaFMM for an OpenMP backend as the Numba threading layer. To avoid oversubscription due to nested parallelism, created when calling Numpy/Scipy functions from within OpenMP threads, we restrict internal Numpy thread pools to contain at most a single thread.

Optimum parameters (for Intel CPUs) are provided in the .env file, and set with,

# Set threading environment variables
source .env


The Fmm class acts as the API for PyExaFMM. Example usage patterns are provided below:

from fmm import Fmm

# Instantiate an experiment through an FMM object, with default 'config.json'
e = Fmm()

# Optionally specify non-default config filename, e.g. 'test_config.json'
# e = Fmm('test_config')

# Run FMM algorithm

# Access targets, sources, and computed potentials/potential gradients at
# a given leaf
leaf = e.leaves[42]

# Dictionary mapping leaf key to a pointer defining alignment
leaf_idx = e.key_to_leaf_index[leaf]

# Targets at leaf
leaf_targets = e.targets[

# Sources at leaf
leaf_sources = e.sources[

# Source densities at leaf
leaf_source_densities = e.sources[

# 4-vectors of target potentials/potential gradients aligned with 'leaf_targets'
leaf_potentials = e.target_potentials[

# Access multipole/local expansions at a given tree node
key = e.complete[42]

# Dictionary mapping a given key to a pointer defining alignment
key_idx = e.key_to_index[key]

# Multipole expansions defined by equivalent surface
multipole_index = key_index*e.nequivalent_points
multipole_expansion = e.multipole_expansions[

# Local expansions defined by check surface
local_index = key_index*e.ncheck_points
local_expansion = e.local_expansions[

# Clear potentials, gradients, and expansions to re-run experiment


Command Action Options
compute-operators Run operator pre-computations -c <config_filename>
generate-test-data Generate npoints sources & targets -c <config_filename>

The option to specify a custom config filename -c overrides the PyExaFMM default to search for a file named config.json in your current working directory to parameterize pre-computations.


[1] Ying, L., Biros, G., & Zorin, D. (2004). A kernel-independent adaptive fast multipole algorithm in two and three dimensions. Journal of Computational Physics, 196(2), 591-626.

[2] Halko, N., Martinsson, P. G., & Tropp, J. A. (2011). Finding structure with randomness: Probabilistic algorithms for constructing approximate matrix decompositions. SIAM review, 53(2), 217-288.

[3] Fong, W., & Darve, E. (2009). The black-box fast multipole method. Journal of Computational Physics, 228(23), 8712-8725.