exalearn / EXARL

Scalable Framework for Reinforcement Learning
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Easily eXtendable Architecture for Reinforcement Learning

A scalable software framework for reinforcement learning environments and agents/policies used for the Design and Control applications

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Complete documentation is available.

Software Requirement

Directory Organization

├── setup.py                          : Python setup file with requirements files
├── scripts                           : folder containing RL steering scripts
├── config                            : folder containing configurations
    └── agent_cfg                     : agent configuration folder
    └── model_cfg                     : model configuration folder
    └── env_cfg                       : env configuration folder
    └── workflow_cfg                  : workflow configuration folder
    └── learner_cfg.json              : learner configuration
├── exarl                             : folder with EXARL code
    └── __init__.py                   : make base classes visible
    ├── base                          : folder containing EXARL base classes
        └── __init__.py               : make base classes visible
        └── agent_base.py             : buffer dataset base class
        └── comm_base.py              : communicator base class
        └── data_exchange.py          : data exchange base class
        └── dataset_base.py           : agent base class
        └── env_base.py               : environment base class
        └── workflow_base.py          : workflow base class
        └── learner_base.py           : learner base class
    ├── driver                        : folder containing RL MPI steering scripts
        └── driver.py                 : Run scipt
    ├── candlelib                     : folder containing library for CANDLE functionality
    ├── agents                        : folder containing EXARL agents and registration scripts
        └── __init__.py               : agent registry
        └── registration.py           : script to handle registration
        ├── agent_vault               : folder containing agents
            └── __init__.py           : script to make agents visible
            └── <RLagent>.py          : RL agents (such as DQN, DDPG, etc.)
    ├── envs                          : folder containing EXARL environments
        └── __init__.py               : environment registry
        ├── env_vault                 : folder containing environments
        └── __init__.py               : script to make environments visible
            └── <RLenv>.py            : RL environments (physics simulations, interfaces to experiments, etc.)
    ├── workflows                     : folder containing EXARL workflows and registration scripts
        └── __init__.py               : workflow registry
        └── registration.py           : script to handle registration
        ├── workflow_vault            : folder containing workflows
            └── __init__.py           : script to make workflows visible
            └── <RLworkflow>.py       : RL workflows (such as SEED, IMPALA, etc.)
    ├── utils                         : folder containing utilities
        └── __init__.py               : make classes and functions visible
        └── candleDriver.py           : Supporting CANDLE script
        └── analyze_reward.py         : script for plotting results
        └── log.py                    : central place to set logging levels
        └── profile.py                : provides function decorators for profiling, timing, and debugging


git clone --recursive https://github.com/exalearn/EXARL.git
# Required for older versions of git
git lfs install # install git lfs if you haven't
git lfs fetch
git lfs pull
pip install -e setup/ --user

Configuration Files

Configuration files such as exarl/config/learner_cfg.json are searched for in the following directories:

  1. (current working directory)/exarl/config
  2. ~/.exarl/config
  3. (site-packages dir)/exarl/config

If you would like to run EXARL from outside the source directory, you may install the config files with exarl or copy them into EXARL's config directory in your home directory like so:

$ mkdir -p ~/.exarl/config
$ cd EXARL
$ cp config/* ~/.exarl/config

CANDLE functionality is built into EXARL

    "agent": "DQN-v0",
    "env": "ExaLearnCartpole-v1",
    "workflow": "async",
    "n_episodes": 1,
    "n_steps": 10,
    "output_dir": "./exa_results_dir"
    "gamma": 0.75,
    "epsilon": 1.0,
    "epsilon_min" : 0.01,
    "epsilon_decay" : 0.999,
    "learning_rate" : 0.001,
    "batch_size" : 5,
    "tau" : 0.5

Currently, DQN agent takes either MLP or LSTM as model_type.

    "dense" : [64, 128],
    "activation" : "relu",
    "optimizer" : "adam",
    "out_activation" : "linear",
    "loss" : "mse"
        "worker_app": "./exarl/envs/env_vault/cpi.py"
        "process_per_env": "1"

Running EXARL using MPI

from mpi4py import MPI
import utils.analyze_reward as ar
import time
import exarl as erl
import mpi4py.rc
mpi4py.rc.threads = False
mpi4py.rc.recv_mprobe = False

# MPI communicator
rank = comm.Get_rank()
size = comm.Get_size()

# Get run parameters using CANDLE
# run_params = initialize_parameters()

# Create learner object and run
exa_learner = erl.ExaLearner(comm)

# Run the learner, measure time
start = time.time()
elapse = time.time() - start

# Compute and print average time
max_elapse = comm.reduce(elapse, op=MPI.MAX, root=0)
elapse = comm.reduce(elapse, op=MPI.SUM, root=0)

if rank == 0:
    print("Average elapsed time = ", elapse / size)
    print("Maximum elapsed time = ", max_elapse)
    # Save rewards vs. episodes plot
mpiexec -np <num_parent_processes> python exarl/driver/__main__.py --<run_params> <param_value>
import exarl.mpi_settings as mpi_settings
self.env_comm = mpi_settings.env_comm
self.agent_comm = mpi_settings.agent_comm

Using parameters set in CANDLE configuration/get parameters from terminal

import exarl.utils.candleDriver as cd
cd.run_params # dictionary containing all parameters
self.search_method =  cd.run_params['search_method']
self.gamma =  cd.run_params['gamma']

Creating custom environments

    class envName(gym.Env):
from gym.envs.registration import register

from exarl.envs.env_vault.foo_env import FooEnv

where EXARL/exarl/envs/env_vault/foo_env.py is the file containing your envirnoment

Using environment written in a lower level language

#include <mpi.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
  extern void compute_pi(int, MPI_Comm);
#ifdef __cplusplus


#include <stdio.h>
#include <mpi.h>

double compute_pi(int N, MPI_Comm new_comm)
  int rank, size;
  MPI_Comm_rank(new_comm, &rank);
  MPI_Comm_size(new_comm, &size);

  double h, s, x;
  h = 1.0 / (double) N;
  s = 0.0;
  for(int i=rank; i<N; i+=size)
    x = h * ((double)i + 0.5);
    s += 4.0 / (1.0 + x*x);
  return (s * h);
from mpi4py import MPI
import ctypes
import os

_libdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)

if MPI._sizeof(MPI.Comm) == ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_int):
    MPI_Comm = ctypes.c_int
    MPI_Comm = ctypes.c_void_p
_lib = ctypes.CDLL(os.path.join(_libdir, "libcomputePI.so"))
_lib.compute_pi.restype = ctypes.c_double
_lib.compute_pi.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, MPI_Comm]

def compute_pi(N, comm):
    comm_ptr = MPI._addressof(comm)
    comm_val = MPI_Comm.from_address(comm_ptr)
    myPI = _lib.compute_pi(ctypes.c_int(N), comm_val)
    return myPI
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
import pdb
import computePI as cp

def main():
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    myrank = comm.Get_rank()
    nprocs = comm.Get_size()

    if myrank == 0:
        N = 100
        N = None

    N = comm.bcast(N, root=0)
    num = 4
    color = int(myrank/num)
    newcomm = comm.Split(color, myrank)

    mypi = cp.compute_pi(N, newcomm)
    pi = newcomm.reduce(mypi, op=MPI.SUM, root=0)

    newrank = newcomm.rank
    if newrank==0:

if __name__ == '__main__':

Creating custom agents

    import exarl
    class agentName(exarl.ExaAgent):
          def __init__(self, env, is_learner):
get_weights()   # get target model weights
set_weights()   # set target model weights
train()         # train the agent
update()        # update target model
action()        # Next action based on current state
load()          # load weights from memory
save()          # save weights to memory
monitor()       # monitor progress of learning
from exarl.agents.registration import register, make

from exarl.agents.agent_vault.foo_agent import FooAgent

where EXARL/agents/agent_vault/foo_agent.py is the file containing your agent

Creating custom workflows

    class workflowName(exarl.ExaWorkflow):
run()   # run the workflow
from exarl.agents.registration import register, make

from exarl.workflows.workflow_vault.foo_workflow import FooWorkflow

where EXARL/workflows/workflow_vault/foo_workflow.py is the file containing your workflow

Base classes

Debugging, Timing, and Profiling

from exarl.utils.profile import *

def my_func(*args, **kwargs):

def my_func(*args, **kwargs):

def my_func(*args, **kwargs):

Cite this software

  author = {Vinay Ramakrishnaiah, Malachi Schram, Joshua Suetterlein, Jamal Mohd-Yusof, Thomas Flynn, Ted Fujimoto, Sayan Ghosh, Michael Grosskopf, Yunzhi Huang, Ai Kagawa, Sumathi Lakshmiranganatha, Himanshu Sharma, Christine Sweeney, Shinjae Yoo},
  title = {Easily eXtendable Architecture for Reinforcement Learning (EXARL)},
  year = {2020},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/exalearn/EXARL}},


If you have any questions or concerns regarding EXARL, please contact Vinay Ramakrishnaiah (vinayr@lanl.gov), Josh Suetterlein (joshua.suetterlein@pnnl.gov) or Jamal Mohd-Yusof (jamal@lanl.gov).