exasol / kafka-connect-jdbc-exasol

Exasol dialect for the Kafka Connect JDBC Connector
Apache License 2.0
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apache-kafka exasol exasol-integration kafka kafka-connector kafka-jdbc


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Deprecation Warning

⚠ This project is discontinued in favor of exasol/kafka-connector-extension. This repository is archived.


Exasol database dialect example setup for Kafka Confluent JDBC Connector.

Please bear in mind that this only works with Kafka Connect JDBC version 5.0+

Information for Users

Information for Developers

Production setup

If you already have an running Confluent Kafka Connect cluster, you need setup Exasol source or sink configuration (or both). You can find example configurations for exasol-source and exasol-sink. Please upload these to Kafka Connect connectors, for example,

curl -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data @exasol-source.json kafka.connect.host:8083/connectors

Additionally, you need to upload the Exasol JDBC jars to the connect plugin path. The plugin paths are possibly /usr/share/java or /etc/kafka-connect/jars. However, please check that these paths are on Kafka classpath.

You can find more information on Confluent documentation pages. Some relevant documentations are listed below.

Testing locally

For testing we are going to use docker and docker-compose. Please set them up accordingly on your local machine. For running Exasol docker-db you need root privileges.

Additionally, if you are using non Linux machine, please obtain the ip address for docker or docker-machine. For example, in MacOS, with the following command:

docker-machine ip

For the rest of documentation, when we refer to localhost, substitute it with ip address resulted from above command.

We need to open several terminals for dockerized testing.

git clone https://github.com/EXASOL/kafka-connect-jdbc-exasol.git

cd kafka-connect-jdbc-exasol

# If you're running docker in a virtual environment you might
# need to run the following command before docker-compose up:


docker-compose up
docker exec -it exasol-db exaplus -c localhost:8563 -u sys -P exasol -f /test/country.sql

Testing Connect Source (Exasol -> Kafka)

# Create and add a new Kafka Connect Source
curl -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data @exasol-source.json localhost:8083/connectors

# You can see all available connectors with the command:
curl localhost:8083/connectors/

# Similarly, you can see the status of a connector with the command:
curl localhost:8083/connectors/exasol-source/status
docker exec -it kafka02 /bin/bash

# List available Kafka topics, we should see the 'EXASOL_COUNTRY' listed.
kafka-topics --list --zookeeper zookeeper.internal:2181

# Start kafka console consumer
kafka-console-consumer \
    --bootstrap-server kafka01.internal:9092 \
    --from-beginning \
    --topic EXASOL_COUNTRY
docker exec -it schema-registry /bin/bash

kafka-avro-console-consumer \
    --bootstrap-server kafka01.internal:9092 \
    --from-beginning \
    --topic EXASOL_COUNTRY

Testing Connect Sink (Kafka -> Exasol)

docker exec -it exasol-db exaplus -c localhost:8563 -u sys -P exasol -f /test/country_population.sql
curl -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data @exasol-sink.json \

## Check that sink connector is running
curl localhost:8083/connectors/exasol-sink/status
docker exec -it schema-registry /bin/bash

kafka-avro-console-producer \
    --broker-list kafka01.internal:9092 \
    --property value.schema='{"type":"record","name":"myrecord","fields":[{"name":"COUNTRY_NAME","type":"string"},{"name":"POPULATION", "type": "long"}]}'

{"COUNTRY_NAME": "France", "POPULATION": 67} {"COUNTRY_NAME": "Croatia", "POPULATION": 4}```bash

* In another terminal, ensure that the records are available in Exasol table:

docker exec -it exasol-db bash -c 'exaplus -c localhost:8563 -u sys -P exasol -sql "SELECT * FROM country_schema.country_population;"'

Dependencies and Services

For this example setup we depend on several jar files:

Additionally, we are using docker-compose based Exasol and Kafka Connect services. The Kafka Connect is configured for distributed mode.

Service Name Versions Description
exasol-db dockerhub/exasol/docker-db An Exasol docker db. Please note that we use stand-alone cluster mode.
zookeeper dockerhub/confluentinc/cp-zookeeper A single node zookeeper instance.
kafka dockerhub/confluentinc/cp-kafka A kafka instance. We have three kafka node setup.
schema-registry dockerhub/confluentinc/cp-schema-registry A schema-registry instance.
kafka-connect dockerhub/confluentinc/cp-kafka-connect Custom configured kafka-connect instance.


There are several tips and tricks to consider when setting up the Kafka Exasol connector.


Batch upserts

The batch mode together with upsert is not supported at the moment. We transform the Kafka upserts into Exasol specific MERGE statements that does not support batches.

You can read more about it at issue #5.