excellenteasy / ios-splash-generate

Generate all required splash screen images from one source. Right size, right file name.
MIT License
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Generate all required splash screen images from one source. Right size, right file name.

The default splash screen image file names and required sizes for iOS are retrieved from the ios-splash module.

The files created have the default names as you might want to use them, for example, in config.xml of a PhoneGap/Cordova project and the correct dimensions.

How does it work?

A 2208x2208 source image gets scaled first and then cropped to the target dimensions. If you put the relevant part (logo, text, etc.) of your splash screen in the exact center of your source image, this means that the resulting images are all going to be centered as well.


$ npm install --save ios-splash-generate


var generate = require('ios-splash-generate');

generate('path/to/source.png', 'output/splash/').then(function() {
    // splash images created


$ npm install --global ios-splash-generate
$ ios-splash-generate --help
Generate all required splash screen images from one source. Right size, right file name.

  $ ios-splash-generate -i path/to/source.png -o path/to/output/


MIT © David Pfahler