executablebooks / rst2myst

Tools for converting RST files to MyST-NB files
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Tools for converting RST files to MyST-NB files

These instructions are from @najuzilu

  1. Convert from rST to markdown using Pandoc. See ./rst_to_md.sh.
  2. Update and add MyST syntax:
    • Manual: math labels are removed during conversion through Pandoc. For this reason, it is essential to go over the documents and make sure no math label is missing in the newly generated markdown files.
    • Programmatic soluiton: there are a few options by utilizing regex. Below is an example of a simple function to convert contents depth syntax from rST to MyST.
  3. This repository contains an incomplete list of issues. As previously stated, some of these issues can be fixed programmatically if we aim to focus on conversion issues pertaining to QuantEcon lectures.
def get_contents_depth(string):
    Replace contents depth directives in rST to MyST syntax.

    string: String
        String which could containt the rST syntax regarding contents depth
    oldSyntax = "::: {.contents}\n\ndepth\n\n:   2\n:::"
    newSyntax = "``` {contents}\n---\ndepth: 2\n---\n```"
    # If found
    if (string.find(oldSyntax) != -1):
        string = string.replace(oldSyntax, newSyntax)