pacman-contrib - optional, but HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. For checkupdates and rankmirrors scripts.
paru, yay
alacritty, foot, gnome-terminal, konsole, kitty, lxterminal, terminator, tilix, xterm, yakuake, wezterm
Plasma Widgets: curl, jq, unzip, tar
Mirrorlist Generator: curl, pacman-contrib
Management: fzf
News: curl, jq
Feel free to help translate to new languages or update and improve the ones that are already available. Please refer to the for instructions on how to do it.
| Locale | Lines | % Done|
| English | 232 | |
| Brazilian | 232/232 | 100% |
| Dutch | 185/232 | 79% |
| French | 184/232 | 79% |
| German | 184/232 | 79% |
| Spanish | 184/232 | 79% |
| Korean | 136/232 | 58% |
| Russian | 232/232 | 100% |
Just install directly from KDE Widget Store ("+ Add widgets..." -> "Get New Widgets..." -> "Download New Plasma Widgets").
After installation, the widget icon should automatically appear in the system tray.
[!IMPORTANT] If you are upgrading from a previous version, you need to log out or restart plasmashell for the new features to work properly.
systemctl --user restart plasma-plasmashell.service
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