exercism / kotlin

Exercism exercises in Kotlin.
MIT License
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Exercism Kotlin Track

Build Status

Source for Exercism Exercises in Kotlin.

Contributing Guide

For general information about how to contribute to Exercism, please refer to the contributing guide.

Table of Contents


This guide covers contributing to the Kotlin track. If you are new, this guide is for you.

If, at any point, you're having any trouble, pop in the Building Exercism category of the Exercism forum for help.

Contributing With Minimal Setup

First things first: by contributing to Exercism, you are making this learning tool that much better and improving our industry as a whole... thank you!!!

To submit a fix for an existing exercise or port an exercise to Kotlin with the least amount of setup:

  1. Ensure you have the basic Java tooling installed: JDK 1.8+, an editor and Gradle 2.x.

    (see exercism.io: Installing Kotlin)

Next steps:

Getting Familiar With the Codebase

There are two objectives to the design of this build:

  1. when a problem is built from within the exercism/kotlin repo (i.e. when you, the contributor, are developing the exercise), the tests run against the reference solution;
  2. when a problem is built outside the exercism/kotlin repo (when a participant is solving the exercise), the tests run against the "main" code.

This repo is a multi-project gradle build.

The exercises Module

This is the top-level module, contained in the exercises directory. It is a container for the problem sub-modules.

The Problem Submodules

The exercises subdirectory contains all of the problem submodules. Each problem/submodule is a subdirectory of the same name as its slug.

Each problem/submodule has three source sets:

To run the tests for a specific exercise, run the test Gradle task from the exercises directory. For example:

cd exercises
https://github.com/exercism/v3/blob/main/gradlew bob:test

Steps for modifying an exercise:

  1. Change the test(s).
  2. Watch the changes fail.
  3. Update the reference solution to make the test(s) pass.

Advanced: Complete Local Setup

If you are going to make significant contribution(s) to the track, you might find it handy to have a complete local install of exercism on your computer. This way, you can run the full suite of tests without having to create/update a PR.

The easiest way to achieve this is simply use the bin/journey-test.sh script. However, you may want to perform other tests, depending on what you are doing. You can do so by duplicating the setup performed by the bin/journey-test.sh script.

Tip: gradle clean before exercism fetch

If you exercism fetch after doing a build, the CLI will fail with the following error message:

$ exercism fetch kotlin bob
2015/09/06 15:03:21 an internal server error was received.
Please file a bug report with the contents of 'exercism debug' at: https://github.com/exercism/exercism.io/issues

and if you review the logs of your x-api, you'll find: - - [06/Sep/2015:15:20:56 -0700] "GET /v2/exercises/kotlin/bob HTTP/1.1" 500 514949 0.2138
2015-09-06 15:21:01 - JSON::GeneratorError - source sequence is illegal/malformed utf-8:

This is because some files generated by the build can't be served from the x-api. This is by design: the CLI does not serve binaries. To fix this, simply make sure you do a clean in your exercism/kotlin repo before you fetch:

cd ~/workspace/exercism/kotlin/exercises
gradle clean
cd ~/workspace/exercism/exercises
exercism fetch kotlin bob