exercism / reasonml

Exercism exercises in ReasonML.
MIT License
18 stars 23 forks source link
community-contributions-paused exercism-track unmaintained

Exercism ReasonML Track

Configlet CI


First install npm (Node Package Manager) - you can do that from this site: https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm Follow the instructions under https://reasonml.github.io/docs/en/installation to install ReasonML.


We welcome all contributions, both large and small.

Please read about how to get involved in a track. Be sure to read the Exercism Code of Conduct.

Fixes and improvements to existing exercises are welcome. Please note that this track's exercises must conform to the Exercism-wide standards described in the documentation. If you're unsure about how to make a change, then go ahead and open a GitHub issue, and we'll discuss it.

Exercise Tests

All Exercism exercises contain a test suite, which help to guide the user's implementation. You can read more about how we think about test suites in the Exercism documentation.

Tests should be written using bs-jest.

open Jest;
open Expect;

describe("Leap", () => {
  test("year not divisible by 4: common year", () =>
    expect(Leap.is_leap_year(2015)) |> toBe(false)
  test("year divisible by 4, not divisible by 100: leap year", () =>
    expect(Leap.is_leap_year(1996)) |> toBe(true)

Coding Style

Use PascalCase.re for Reason implementation file names. A Reason interface file (.rei) should be included with every exercise to help the user get started. Use refmt on your code before pushing.

Opening an Issue

If you plan to make significant or breaking changes, please open an issue so we can discuss it first. If this is a discussion that is relevant to more than just the ReasonML track, please open an issue in exercism/discussions.

Submitting a Pull Request

Pull requests should be focused on a single exercise, issue, or conceptually cohesive change. Please refer to Exercism's pull request guidelines.

Please use refmt to ensure a consistent coding style.

refmt --in-place Example.re

Verifying Your Change

Before submitting your pull request, you'll want to verify the changes in two ways:

./bin/configlet lint --track-id reasonml .

Contributing a New Exercise

Please see the documentation about adding new exercises.

Note that: