exercism / v3-beta

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The Exercism V3 Beta

We're nearly ready to launch v3 of Exercism, culminating nearly two years of hard work 🎉

We are running a phased beta of the website and we'd love your help in highlighting any bugs or issues! Please read this document carefully before getting started.

Also, please note that the purpose of this website is to find things that are broken, so that we can ship this new version of the platform. It is not to assertain peoples thoughts or opinions on v3 in general, or to get ideas for improvements. We'll have space for improving things once the site has launched, but for now are focussed on getting over the finish line. To maintain a healthy noise/signal ratio, we'll close issues that do not highlight specific bugs/issues.

We recommend trying the site using Chrome if you want the best experience. Before launching, we'll get it working on all browsers, but we use Chrome internally, so your experience will be the most "as expected" if you also use Chrome.

Finally, please remember that spending an extra few seconds wording your bug report kindly can make a big difference to how those of us fixing these issues feel, how overwhelmed we get, how productive we are, and consequently how quickly this product gets launched. So please consider how what you write may be interpreted make an extra effort to be thoughtful 🙂

Phased Beta

We are now in the final phase of the beta. All pages are now in scope on desktop (not on mobile).

Things to report

Please do not report

Reporting an issue


14th May 2021

First version.

21st May 2021

Newly in scope:

New functionality:

22nd May 2021

Newly in scope:

14th June 2021

Newly in scope:

15th June 2021

Newly in scope:

24th June 2021

Newly in scope:

3rd July 2021

Newly in scope:

6th August 2021