exitmusic / math-o-magic

Node.js & Socket.IO math trivia game, with class.
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Math trivia game!

File Structure

/app             : application code
`--/models       : models
`--/controllers  : controllers / routes
`--/views        : views
/public          : static assets
`--/css          : stylesheets
`--/img          : images
`--/js           : javascript files
   `--/models    : backbone models (in progress)
   `--/views     : backbone views (in progress)
`--/vendor       : all 3rd party assets
/routes          : currently not used
/test            : contains unit tests (mocha)
app.js           : http server and socket.io setup
utils.js         : contains the parseCookie() function taken out of connect middleware

Running mocha test cases

sudo npm install -g mocha
mocha --reporter spec

Helpful resources
