exo-dev / generator-node-crud-api

MIT License
9 stars 4 forks source link


This is a yeoman generator for REST APIs with swagger. It can generate two types of APIs:

In this README we will call the first one "CRUD APIs" and the second one "Domain APIs".


$ npm install -g yo
$ npm install -g generator-node-crud-api


For this APIs the generator will create the base structure of the project and make the scaffolding of the mongoose models, generating the REST endpoints with the CRUD operations of this models.

Create the project

The first step is to execute the yeoman generator to create the project. It will ask the name of the project, if our API will have CRUD models and if we want it to install the npm dependencies for us.

$ yo node-crud-api

    |       |    ╭──────────────────────────╮
    |--(o)--|    │ Welcome to the fantastic │
   `---------´   │  EXO CRUD API generator! │
    ( _´U`_ )    ╰──────────────────────────╯
    /___A___\   /
     |  ~  |     
 ´   `  |° ´ Y `

? Project Name: awesome-api
? Will you use models?: Yes
? Do you want me to install the npm dependencies?: Yes

After installing the dependencies we will have the next structure:

 |- docs -> This is the root folder for mkdocs
 |  |- index.md
 |- tests
 |  |- hello-world
 |  |  |- test-hello-world.js
 |  |- vegetables
 |  |  |- test-vegetables.js
 |- bin -> Here are the source of the npm script to manage the auth with kong.
 |- lib
 |  |- models -> Add in this folder your mongoose models, one per file
 |  |  |- vegetables.js -> Example model
 |  |  |- index.js -> You'll need to import all your models here.
 |  |- routes -> Add in this folder your routes, one file per controller (This are not express routes, read ahead)
 |  |  |- hello-world.js -> Swagger routes for hello world, linked with x-swagger-router-controller
 |  |- hello-world -> Add one folder per controller, grouped by functionality, if needed
 |  |  |- index.js -> Example hello-world controller
 |  |- logger.js -> The logger for using in the whole app. Please do not use console.log
 |- swagger
 |  |- user.yaml -> swagger file to add non-crud endpoints
 |- app.js -> main express application
 |- build-baucis.js -> Internal file, please leave it as is.
 |- mkdocs.yml -> mkdocs index
 |- .env -> Here goes all the configuration to be loaded by dotenv
 |- package.json
 |- README.md -> Please write a nice one :)
 |- Dockerfile -> Dockerfile used by jenkins
 |- docker-compose.yml -> It will contain api, kong, kong-database, kong-dashboard and mongo as services
 |- Dockerfile
 |- Gruntfile.js
 |- unit.sh -> Commands for jenkins

Create a model

For each model you want to create, add the corresponding javascript file in lib/model. That file must contain a mongoose schema. For the generation of the swagger.json is necessary that the schema had the swaggerName property with the name that will appear on the model definition of the swagger.json. An example of this is the lib/models/vegetables.js file that is created. Once the models are created, is very important to import them in lib/models/index.js. If the model isn't exported in lib/models/index.js its CRUD endpoints and its swagger documentation won't be created.

Run the server

To run the server you MUST execute:

$ npm start

This npm script before starting the application, builds the swagger.json file.

The application expects a mongodb instance running on localhost:27017 without authentication, and will start listening on http://localhost:3000. These configurations can be changed in the .env file.

All the CRUD endpoints will be in the /api/* URI. For example the vegetable model will be in the URI /api/vegetables.

Creating not-CRUD endpoints

See create an endpoint

Domain APIs (not-CRUD)

For these APIs the generator creates the basic structure of the project and gives some basic utilities to generate the swagger documentation.

Create the project

The first step is to execute the yeoman generator to create the project. It will ask the name of the project, if our API will have CRUD models and if we want it to install the npm dependencies for us. In the second question we answer no.

$ yo node-crud-api

    |       |    ╭──────────────────────────╮
    |--(o)--|    │ Welcome to the fantastic │
   `---------´   │  EXO CRUD API generator! │
    ( _´U`_ )    ╰──────────────────────────╯
    /___A___\   /
     |  ~  |     
 ´   `  |° ´ Y `

? Project Name: awesome-api
? Will you use models?: No
? Do you want me to install the npm dependencies?: Yes

After installing the dependencies, the generated project will have the next structure.

 |- docs -> This is the root folder for mkdocs
 |  |- index.md
 |- tests
 |  |- hello-world
 |  |  |- test-hello-world.js
 |- bin -> Here are the source of the npm script to manage the auth with kong.
 |- lib
 |  |- routes -> Add in this folder your routes, one file per controller (This are not express routes, read ahead)
 |  |  |- hello-world.js -> Swagger routes for hello world, linked with x-swagger-router-controller
 |  |- hello-world -> Add one folder per controller, grouped by functionality, if needed
 |  |  |- index.js -> Example hello-world controller
 |  |- logger.js -> The logger for using in the whole app. Please do not use console.log
 |- swagger
 |  |- user.yaml -> swagger file to add endpoints
 |- app.js -> main express application
 |- mkdocs.yml -> mkdocs index
 |- .env -> Here goes all the configuration to be loaded by dotenv
 |- package.json
 |- README.md -> Please write a nice one :)
 |- Dockerfile -> Dockerfile used by jenkins
 |- docker-compose.yml -> It will contain api, kong, kong-database and kong-dashboard as services
 |- Gruntfile.js
 |- unit.sh -> Commands for jenkins

Create an endpoint

To create an endpoint, the first step is to document it using swagger. The generated project has a command to open the swagger editor:

$ npm run-script edit-domain-swagger

The swagger-editor will be open with the system default browser. The changes will be automatic saved.

alt text

In this file you have to define the endpoint in swagger 2.0 format.

Things to have in mind when writing an endpoint:

An example of this, can be seen in the generatred code for the hello-world endpoint (more info).

Run the server

The server MUST be run with the next command:

$ npm start

This npm script runs all the needed task to generate the swagger.json.

Once running, the server by default will be listening on http://localhost:3000. These configurations can be changed in the .env file.

All the endpoints will be on the URI /api/*. The generator brings an example endpoint on /api/hello.


The users of the aplication will be authenticated using json web tokens. Said jwt will be obtained using the authentication service (this service is on development right now, for testing purpose use the npm script sign-jwt).

The jwt can be sent on the Authorization Header of the HTTP request with the next format:

HTTP Headers
Authorization: Bearer XXXXXX

Where the XXXXXX is the received jwt.

It can also be sent in the query string of the request with the format ?jwt=XXXXXX.

The jwt will be validated by the kong that acts as a reverse proxy of the api. The api must assume that all he received request will be with an right jwt. The authorization will be responsibility of the api.

Run the application with kong

We will use kong as the reverse proxy. The generated project contains a docker-compose.yml on the root directory. This will have the services kong, kong-dashboard, kong-database and api. In the case that the project also contains mongoose models a mongo service will found on the compose. The api service will be built using the Dockerfile found on the root directory. The api service has already configured the environment variables the same way of the .env file. If you add new environment variables add them to the compose file.

Run the application locally

If you want to run the api locally you have to comment using # on the service api. Verify that the mongo service exposes the port 27017. When adding the api to kong you should use your public ip and not localhost.

Kong administration

Register an api

Once you had run docker-compose up, you should wait between 1 and 3 minutes until the kong database gets started. The generated project has a npm script for adding an api to kong, said script is run with npm run-script kong-register-api This command has the parameters:


npm run-script kong-register-api -- --kong-url http://localhost:8001 --api-name hello --upstream-url http://api:3000

In case of missing parameters they will be asked to the user.

Register a consumer

The generated project has a npm script for adding consumers to kong, said script is run with npm run-script kong-register-consumer This command has the parameters:


npm run-script kong-register-user -- --kong-url http://localhost:8001 --username agustinc --secret Shhhh

You will obtain the kong issuer and the secret (Both are important to issue a jwt).

Consumer created!
Jwt keys created!

Issuer: 4B5fy2FM_tcOiVCAvlJJb7I6vcgy_pIyRiawBNGPS-4
Secret: Shhhh

In case of missing parameters they will be asked to the user.

Issuing a jwt

The generated project has a npm script for issuing a jwt, said script is run with npm run-script sign-jwt. This command has the parameters

    scopes: ['admin', 'developer', 'some-model:write', 'other-model:read'],
    name: 'reinaldo',
    mail: 'mostaza@racing.com'


npm run-script sign-jwt -- --username agustinc --secret Shhhh --issuer 4B5fy2FM_tcOiVCAvlJJb7I6vcgy_pIyRiawBNGPS-4 \
                           --notBefore 1s --expires 2y --audience http://localhost:8000

You will obtain the jwt:


This jwt can be used as described in Authentication

In case of missing parameters they will be asked to the user.

Internal scripts

The project created came with some scripts that we hadn't talked about yet. This scripts are for debug utility.

Domain APIs

APIs with models

To the command described before we add:

For both types the command npm start will run internally all these tasks and then execute node app.js.