experius / Magento-2-Module-Experius-MissingTranslations

Collect missing translations in specified folder or the entire Magento 2 Root
Open Software License 3.0
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Mage2 Module Experius MissingTranslations

Add a CLI command to Collect missing translations in specified folder or the entire Magento 2 Root and add an Admin Grid to display and update or add database/inline translations (Stores > Translations > Database/Inline Translations)


Main Functionalities

Recommended Minimum Usage

Missing Translations

CSV File for Missing Translations

It is possible to generate a CSV file which contains the original string and an empty string.


This CSV file can be generated through the following command:

php bin/magento experius_missingtranslations:collect [-m|--magento] [-l|--locale="..."] [-s|--store="..."] [directory]

Use the command like this:

php bin/magento experius_missingtranslations:collect --magento --locale nl_NL

Usage 1 - Transform Fully Translated File to Language Pack

This file can be used by a Translation Agency to complete the translations for the webshop.

After the Translation Agency has fully translated the csv file it is possible to transform it to a language pack.

This can be done by removing the suffix missing and eventually transform it to a language pack by adding a language.xml and a registration.php

Usage 2 - Translate Missing Strings Through the Admin with the CSV File

Besides transforming the file to a language pack it is possible to add new translations through the admin interface, which can be found under Stores > Translations > Database / Inline

only if you generated it to a file with the following filename a file in app/i18n/Vendor/missing/locale_code.csv. (Example: app/i18n/Vendor/missing/nl_NL.csv.)

Usage 3 - Import the Missing Translations into the Database*

For this functionality see Translations to database (Existing and Missing)

Translations to database (Existing and Missing)

In addition to gathering missing translations this module also supports database translation (formerly known as inline translate)

This makes it possible for merchants to edit any translation in the Magento Admin Panel.

Cronjob - Collect and Import

Collecting and importing the translations happens nightly when it is enabled by default this functionality is disabled This is done on global scope for all locales that are used in at least one storeview (based on the configured locales).

Existing CSV Translations

03:13 AM server time, all existing csv translations are added to the database.

This functionality Imports the Existing CSV Translations into the Database then the Original String will differ from the Translated String.

Missing Translations

03:23 AM server time, all missing translations found are added to the database.

This functionality Imports the Missing Translations into the Database then the Original String will be equal to the Translated String.

Manually - Collect and Import

Manually gathering the translations (and adding them to the database) is possible. This can be done by one of the following two Console commands:

php bin/magento experius_missingtranslations:existing-translations-to-database --global --locale nl_NL
php bin/magento experius_missingtranslations:missing-translations-to-database --global --locale nl_NL

Herein --global is defined to save the translations for any storeview with the specified locale

To specify a specific store_id add the store ID parameter (--store [store_id]) WARNING: This is not recommended unless translations differ for the same language in separate storeviews Example:

php bin/magento experius_missingtranslations:addtodatabase --store 1 --locale nl_NL



For database translations