expfactory / expfactory-deploy

Django project to replace expfactory-docker.
MIT License
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Expfactory Deploy

Django project for the managment and deployment of batteries of experiments.


The repos and their purpose from first iteration of Expfactory:

And from the The second iteration of Expfactory:


This repository is intended as a replacement for expfactory-docker<https://github.com/expfactory/expfactory-docker>_ and seeks to expand on the ease of use of the first iteration of expfactory and integrate the tenets of reproducibility from the second iteration.

Running Locally

On a fresh clone a number of environemnt variables must be set for django to start properly: In a shell: mkdir -p ./.envs/.local touch -p ./.envs/.local/.postgres touch -p ./.envs/.local/.django

./.envs/.local/.postgres requires: POSTGRES_HOST=postgres POSTGRES_PORT=5432 POSTGRES_DB=any_db_name POSTGRES_USER=any_user_name POSTGRES_PASSWORD=some_passowrd

./.envs/.local/.django requires: USE_DOCKER=yes IPYTHONDIR=/app/.ipython REDIS_URL=redis://redis:6379/0 CELERY_FLOWER_USER=any_user_name CELERY_FLOWER_PASSWORD=any_password

./.envs/.local/.django can also define the following for testing with prolific: PROLIFIC_KEY=your_prolific_key

A few more commands will need to run in order to setup the database and create an admin user: docker-compost -f local.yml build docker-compose -f local.yml run django ./manage.py makemigrations docker-compose -f local.yml run django ./manage.py migrate docker-compose -f local.yml run django ./manage.py createsuperuser

Finally to start whole thing run: docker compose -f local.yml up

Nginx will run without ssl on port 80 (http://localhost). This should load non django resources properly while still passing requests that need django to the django development server on port 8000.

Production Settings

Production requires the same settings as local but located in .envs/.production

.envs/.production/.django Also needs the following set with an appropriate value: DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=config.settings.production DJANGO_ADMIN_URL=admin DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=some_key DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS=[ips, hostnames]

To make use of compose/production/aws/maintenance these will need to be set: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS_DEFAULT_REGION

To use sentry SENTRY_DSN will need to be set with the proper URL.

Nginx expects a few directories and files to exist for SSL to work: mkdir -p ./.certs/well-known/acme-challenge mkdir ./.certs/keys mkdir ./.certs/certs

And compose/production/nginx/nginx.conf expects these files to exist as generated by openssl: .certs/keys/domain.key; .certs/certs/server.dhparam; .certs/certs/signed_chain.crt;

server_name in ./compose/production/nginx/nginx.conf will need to be updated accordingly as well. This should probably be another environment variable.

Like local some setup commands will need to be run: docker-compost -f production.yml build docker-compose -f production.yml run django ./manage.py collectstatic --noinput docker-compose -f production.yml run django ./manage.py makemigrations docker-compose -f production.yml run django ./manage.py migrate docker-compose -f production.yml run django ./manage.py createsuperuser

And to kick it off: docker compose -f production.yml up -d