expressodev / twitter_search

Twitter Search 2 plugin for ExpressionEngine 2.x
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Twitter Search plugin for ExpressionEngine (DEPRECATED)

This plugin uses the old Twitter v1 API, and will stop working in the near future!

We recommend migrating to an alternative Twitter plugin which has been updated to use the new API.

Twitter Search 2 is a simple plugin which queries Twitter for tweets based on a search string you specify. You can easily find tweets sent from or to a user, or based on any query string.

Concept and syntax are based on the original Twitter Search module for EE 1.6 by David Rencher.



To install Twitter Search, simply copy the entire twitter_search folder to /system/expressionengine/third_party on your server.

Basic Queries

{exp:twitter_search q="query"}

Find tweets matching a specific query. Accepts pretty much anything, e.g.

For performance, you should always include the standard ExpressionEngine cache="yes" parameter, unless your site is in development (otherwise your server will make a request every single time the page loads).

Optional Parameters

Tag Variables available

Legacy variables, still available:

When using the var_prefix parameter, all variables will be prefixed. This allows you to nest the plugin inside other tags which may have naming conflicts (for example, the channel entries tag).

For example, when using var_prefix="tweet", the following variables are available:

Example Usage

{exp:twitter_search q="food" geocode="-41.291285,174.775134,10km" rpp="5" lang="en" auto_links="yes" cache="yes" refresh="5"}
<div class="tweet">
    {text}<br />
    {from_user} <a href="{tweet_url}">{relative_tweet_date}</a>
    {if no_tweets}Nothing to display!{/if}

Please note this plugin is limited to what the Twitter search API will let you query - usually only tweets from the last 5 days or so.


2.0.8 (2013-02-27)

2.0.7 (2012-01-05)

2.0.6 (2011-07-23)

2.0.5 (2011-05-01)

2.0.4 (2011-03-30)

2.0.3 (2010-12-23)

2.0.2 (2010-12-02)

2.0.1 (2010-11-26)

2.0 (2010-08-08)