A Lychrel number is a natural number that cannot form a palindrome through the iterative process of repeatedly reversing its digits and adding the resulting numbers. This process is sometimes called the 196-algorithm, after the most famous number associated with the process.
The code is made in order to iterate the algorithm and check for palindrome. Check the code and run it. There is also a code written in comment to increase the recusion limit. BEWARE not to open the run the code. Run this code at your own risk.
Copy the code in order to download it in your pc
git clone https://github.com/extinctsion/lyrchel_number.git
Use this code to run the code in your pc
python3 Lychrel.py
The main idea behind this repository is to make a place where we will be able to visualize the problem of Lychrel number. We will use python programming language to iterate through the numbers and show output in seperate file. Maybe, we might find out a new Lychrel number!!