extratone / bilge

Documentation for The Psalms - my blog about software’s intersection with culture. Not just for the website - for the entire process (correspondence, notetaking, drafting, *revising*, editorializing, promoting, discussing, and even reflecting.)
40 stars 4 forks source link

Twitter Blue #269

Open extratone opened 2 years ago

extratone commented 2 years ago

Notes-Twitter Blue Review

[[Twitter Blue Space]] [[Keyboard Shortcuts Considerations in Twitter for iOS with Twitter Blue]]

By Feature

General Notes

<audio controls>
  <source src="https://files.mastodon.social/media_attachments/files/107/276/355/120/986/584/original/55e5d0410d13b8ec.mp3">



  1. Survey
  2. First Pokes Around
  3. ⌘ + V to open Twitter link


![Twitter Blue Bevel](https://i.snap.as/XR4mJRCG.png)
![Twitter Blue Stone BG](https://i.snap.as/Ohvd6AuC.png)
![Twitter Blue Stone BG](https://i.snap.as/GAq5bVYw.jpg)
![Twitter Blue Stone](https://i.snap.as/CHmbp6pD.png)
![Twitter Blue Planet](https://i.snap.as/LVAPpaln.png)
![Twitter Blue Grill](https://i.snap.as/Zug0oWF9.png)
![Twitter Blue Grill](https://i.snap.as/rfl2Y8Tk.jpg)



Better Tweetdeck Configuration

My Better Tweetdeck Configuration - 11-12-2021


extratone commented 2 years ago


extratone commented 2 years ago

"Introducing Twitter Blue - Twitter’s first-ever subscription offering "


We’ve heard from the people that use Twitter a lot, and we mean a lot, that we don’t always build power features that meet their needs. Well, that’s about to change. We took this feedback to heart, and are developing and iterating upon a solution that will give the people who use Twitter the most what they are looking for: access to exclusive features and perks that will take their experience on Twitter to the next level.

And for those wondering, no, a free Twitter is not going away, and never will. This subscription offering is simply meant to add enhanced and complementary features to the already existing Twitter experience for those who want it.

Meet Twitter Blue

Starting today, we will be rolling out our first iteration of Twitter Blue in Australia and Canada. Our hope with this initial phase is to gain a deeper understanding of what will make your Twitter experience more customized, more expressive, and generally speaking more 🔥.

Those who sign up for a Twitter Blue subscription will get a set of features and perks that include the following:

Bookmark Folders: Want an easy way to better organize your saved content? Bookmark Folders let you organize the Tweets you’ve saved by letting you manage content so when you need it, you can find it easily and efficiently.

Undo Tweet: Typo? Forgot to tag someone? Preview and revise your Tweet before it goes live. With Undo Tweet, you can set a customizable timer of up to 30 seconds to click ‘Undo’ before the Tweet, reply, or thread you’ve sent posts to your timeline. Correct mistakes easily by previewing what your Tweet will look like before the world can see it.

Reader Mode: Reader Mode provides a more beautiful reading experience by getting rid of the noise. We are making it easier for you to keep up with long threads on Twitter by turning them into easy-to-read text so you can read all the latest content seamlessly.

Subscribers will also get access to perks, such as customizable app icons for their device’s home screen and fun color themes for their Twitter app, and will have access to dedicated subscription customer support.

This initial set of features was developed based on feedback we received from our very own power Twitter community:

As a Twitter Blue subscriber, you will get these features and perks for the monthly price of $3.49 CAD or $4.49 AUD. We will be listening to feedback and building out even more features and perks for our subscribers over time. As always, we’ll be keeping you updated as we progress right here, so be sure to check back in.

For those of you in Australia and Canada, get your Tweet on and sign up for Twitter Blue! And be sure to follow @TwitterBlue to keep up to date with the latest and share your feedback. We’ll be listening 👂.

-"Introducing Twitter Blue - Twitter’s first-ever subscription offering "

extratone commented 2 years ago



extratone commented 2 years ago

⌘ + V to open Twitter Link



extratone commented 2 years ago

Voice Notes in Thread Reader

Voice Notes in Thread Reader - Twitter for iOS

What a beautiful oversight.

extratone commented 2 years ago

Now fucking my Notification Settings up as of Thu, 18 Nov 2021 09:11:37 for the first time in???


extratone commented 2 years ago

The Thread in Yellow Accent

-Thursday, November 18, 2021 7:44:16 PM

please let the record show that as of a few moments ago, I have officially exhausted all of the native color combinations (highlights/themes/and custom app icons.) I can't believe I could be using @BetterTDeck and be $3 whole dollars up.

extratone commented 2 years ago

"Announcing List lookup endpoints for the Twitter API v2 - Announcements - Twitter Developers"

The Twitter API v2 is ready for prime time! Over the past 14 months, we have been steadily releasing net new and v1.1 replacement endpoints to Twitter API v2, and today 90% of all existing apps built on the Twitter API v1.1 can be fully supported on v2 with new key features and increased access.

Twitter API v2 overview to-date

If you’re new to Twitter API v2, here are a few highlights of what we’ve released to-date:

Today’s launch

And today, we are adding the following updates to the list:

We do still plan to release updated versions of the Direct Messages, trends, media, and geo endpoints soon. You can see a list of how the v1.1 endpoints map to our v2 replacements in our endpoint map guide, and can follow along via our product roadmap.

Also, for those with a need for access beyond 2M Tweets/month, or who need advanced reliability and scale features like redundancy and larger caps on search requests, please join our waitlist to receive updates about our future product plans for access beyond Elevated. If you need greater access immediately, please consider our enterprise APIs.

For those of you who are currently in a managed relationship with our team and using enterprise APIs today, you can read a separate FAQ to help you understand how we plan to support you as we continue to build v2.

And a final note on upcoming plans: We’re working on a solution to enable developers whose previous applications for a developer account have been declined. We’ll share a path soon to enable sign up for Essential, or to re-apply for Elevated access.

Are you new to the platform and ready to get started?

We encourage you to sign up for Essential access and make your first request to the API.

Once you sign up, you will have a project with Essential access within your account which will provide you with the following:

If you need more access than this, you can apply for Elevated access.

How about those of you that are already on the platform?

If you’ve already been approved for a developer account, your Standard Project will automatically be converted to a Project with Elevated access, which will now provide you with the following:

If you are an academic researcher, you may continue to be served by Academic Research access to the API v2. Learn more on the Academic Research page.

For those of you that have already been using the platform, we’ve put together a migration hub to help you learn more about what’s new on the platform and how to update your integration to v2. We’ve also produced migration guides for each v2 endpoint that you can find within their respective section.

Ready to build?

Head to our documentation to learn more about what’s available. We also have tutorials that can help you get started with different tools and use cases.

We particularly want to encourage new innovation and growth around a few areas that we believe can have the greatest impact on the world, and on Twitter. You can read more about each of these on our ‘what to build’ page.

So what has the community built with Twitter API v2 to date?

The Twitter API v2 is ripe with opportunity, and the community has already been building some amazing tools. Here, we highlight a few that we’re particularly excited about:

Speaking of community, we have a series of different community initiatives kicking off related to this launch:

Also, consider following our Twitter Developer Insiders to see how other developers are building with the Twitter API.

As always, you can follow us on Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, subscribe to this forum category, or find another way to stay informed about product news and tips. We are also excited to hear your feedback.

-"Announcing List lookup endpoints for the Twitter API v2 - Announcements - Twitter Developers"

extratone commented 2 years ago

"FeedbackFriday | Your experience with Twitter Blue" - Twitter Space

guys... you almost certainly have SOME idea of just how much correspondence I've sent the way of Twitter, Incorporated over the course of [my whole adult life and then some,] but thanks to an Official Twitter Space a few days ago...

I exchanged words with Twitter employees!!


extratone commented 2 years ago

Fri, 26 Nov 2021 05:40:03


extratone commented 2 years ago

Jack Dorsey Resigns!



Twitter CTO Parag Agrawal replaces Jack Dorsey as CEO

extratone commented 2 years ago

"Jack steps back"

Jack Dorsey speaks at the Bitcoin 2021 in Miami in June. \(Marco Bello / AFP\)Jack Dorsey speaks at the Bitcoin 2021 in Miami in June. (Marco Bello / AFP)

This article is based on conversations (some very long, others quite short) with 13 current and former Twitter employees, who requested anonymity so as to preserve their professional relationships.

One day in 2011, Jack Dorsey called an all-hands meeting at Twitter. The company was in the middle of a push to redesign Twitter’s mobile apps, and the effort had led to anger and burnout. Dorsey, who had co-founded the company in 2006 with Ev Williams, Biz Stone, and Noah Glass, was then serving as its executive chairman.

The company prepared for what it assumed would be a pep talk from the most eccentric of Twitter’s co-founders. And they got one, of a sort. As the meeting began, the lights at Twitter headquarters dimmed. An acoustic guitar began playing over speakers. Dorsey encouraged everyone to listen to the lyrics.

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise

Sitting in the dark, no one was entirely sure what meaning Dorsey found in the Beatles’ “Blackbird.” A decade later, people I spoke with about the incident still weren’t entirely sure. From his earliest days at the company, Dorsey was an enigma: on one hand, a visionary leader with an uncanny grasp of what the future holds; on the other, a distant and often inscrutable manager whose slowness in making decisions would hobble the company for almost half a decade.

The song concluded. Afterward, people debated what it meant, to no real end. The company finished the sprint. Jack Dorsey returned to the company as CEO a few years later. On Monday he announced that he was quitting.

Almost nobody thought this moment would arrive today — a day that Twitter had told employees to take as “a day of rest.”

I. Elliott wins in the end?

The two questions you want to ask when a CEO steps down are: why now? And what next?

Let’s start with the first one.

On one hand, this is a genuine surprise. By many metrics, this has been a banner year for Twitter. Revenue is up, and so is the user base. It shipped more individual products than perhaps at any other time at its history. (Most notably, it cloned Clubhouse at impressive speed, leaving that once-buzzy social audio platform moribund.) After spending half a decade stuck in the mud, there was a sense that Twitter finally had real momentum. From that perspective, Dorsey’s position at the company looked secure.

But Twitter is publicly traded, and its slow growth (particularly in comparison to the behemoth Facebook) has long rankled investors. Last spring, the activist investor Elliott Management Corp. took a 4 percent stake in the company and announced its intention to replace Dorsey as CEO. While little known to the public, Elliott — a hedge fund controlled by the billionaire Paul Singer — is among the most feared investors in the world. When the news hit, I wrote here that Jack Dorsey was in for the fight of his life. As it turned out, he was.

The odd part is that it seemed like Dorsey had won. Days after Elliott made its move, Twitter surrendered, agreeing to add three new board members and form a committee to review its governance and evaluate a succession plan. Elliott partner Jesse Cohn joined Twitter’s board, but stepped down in June in what I took to be a sign that the firm was satisfied by Twitter’s progress.

The catch was that Elliott had set several aggressive growth targets for Dorsey. Under the agreement, Twitter had to grow its user base by at least 20 percent in 2020, accelerate revenue growth, and gaining market share as a digital advertiser. While it has made some progress, it is not close to hitting its updated goals. (The company wants to add 100 million more daily active users in the next year, for example, increasing its user base by a third — a tall order for a 15-year-old company that is a household name and has already churned through much of the world’s population.)

The stock price has been sliding throughout the fall, and today sits just a few dollars higher than it did at the time of the company’s initial public offering. Meanwhile, Elliott’s partner in the original plan to oust Dorsey, the private equity firm Silver Lake, maintains a seat on Twitter’s board.

There were no outward signs of the board’s unhappiness. But looking at these facts, it’s easy to imagine two scenarios: one in which Dorsey saw a revived fight coming his way and deciding to leave before it happened; another in which the board told him his time was up and to bow out gracefully.

I don’t know which of those two scenarios is more likely; I do believe, however, that it was most probably one of them that led to today’s news. (The fact that the news leaked early, perhaps from the board itself, suggests to me that maybe someone worried Dorsey might have changed his mind before going through with it.)

This was my decision and I own it,” Dorsey said in an email to employees. “I’m really sad … yet really happy. There aren’t many companies that get to this level. And there aren’t many founders who choose their company over their own ego. I know we’ll prove this was the right move.”

Elliott, for its part, blessed the decision.

“Having gotten to know both incoming Chairman Bret Taylor and incoming CEO Parag Agrawal, we are confident that they are the right leaders for Twitter at this pivotal moment for the company,” Cohn and senior portfolio manager Marc Steinberg said in a statement.

II. The “duh” explanation

Another explanation for Jack Dorsey leaving Twitter, which may or may not be related to Elliott Management Corp., is the relative lack of evidence that Jack Dorsey wanted to be CEO of Twitter. And that it is at least possible he woke up one recent morning and decided he wanted to leave.

Here’s a story about not really wanting to be CEO. I’m told Dorsey was ambivalent about the company’s decision to build Fleets, its ephemeral product that mimicked Snapchat Stories. But he let the team launch it anyway at the end of last year. A while later, during an all-hands meeting, someone asked what he thought of the product. He basically shrugged, one person told me. “It’s not my thing” — that was the gist.

Dorsey’s section of the Q&A was immediately followed by the Fleets team presenting their progress.

When Twitter decided to kill fleets this year, Dorsey — who may not have ever posted a public Fleet — dispatched it with a tweeted waving-hand emoji that some internally took to indicate “good riddance.”

There are a lot of Dorsey stories like this. In the areas where he was most focused, product teams could expect lots of time, attention, and valuable feedback. In areas where he was not focused, teams could expect little to no feedback at all. He set the vision and let his deputies handle the rest. This had pros and cons, but it drove a lot of people crazy — particularly when teams were divided on the path forward, and he refused to break the tie.

There are benefits to having a CEO who cares about only a few things, and pushes on them relentlessly. At Square, for example, Dorsey pushed executives to focus on Cash App for peer-to-peer payments and cryptocurrencies for the future of finance. Square has thrived as a result, and its market capitalization is now nearly triple that of Twitter.

But Twitter under Dorsey has suffered from a comparable lack of focus. Its top priorities at any given time have rotated between user growth, revenue growth, conversational “health,” “serving the public conversation,” and other abstractions. People who worked with him directly, when I would ask recently how engaged Dorsey was with the core product, would tell me that they didn’t know.

There’s a joke about Dorsey that says everyone at Twitter thought he was working more on Square, and everyone at Square thought he was working more on Twitter. This served to elide the question of how much he was working at all. One reason Elliott appears to have launched its attack was Dorsey’s declaration that (pre-pandemic) he intended to spend most of 2020 in Africa, to no apparent work purpose or shareholder benefit.

Dorsey knew he was perceived as distant and indecisive; he told employees that he was too slow to make decisions. But people believed him when he said — as he did Saturday, in a line that may have presaged today’s events — “I love Twitter.” He was undeniably charismatic, the kind of guy who could get his employees to drink the salt juice. A complicated figure, but one who leaves a void.

III. The new guy

Into that void steps Parag Agrawal, a 10-year Twitter veteran who rose through the ranks as an engineer to become its chief technical officer. Multiple people told me that “CTO” doesn’t fully capture the breadth of Agrawal’s contributions. Internally, he is perceived by many employees as a sharp technical leader; an uncommonly long-term thinker; and intensely focused on the operational side of the company.

One person told me that Agrawal was among the few people internally who could regularly get Dorsey to change his mind.

Given his long tenure as an engineer, Agrawal is highly respected by the technical side of Twitter, and has personal relationships with many of its most senior individual contributors. That could help the company retain its engineering core during the kind of organizational shift that often results in an exodus from the company.

Agrawal has his detractors, too. A core complaint is that he was too close to Dorsey — and, if you’re among the Twitter employees who think Dorsey had become a liability for the company, Agrawal’s appointment may not appear to be the clean break you were hoping for.

In any case, Agrawal is likely to surface another cultural tension inside the company. He is among the executives who has been most focused on cryptocurrencies, and encouraged Dorsey to allow Twitter to explore decentralization and other related technologies. The company has so far announced Bluesky, which could turn Twitter into a decentralized protocol; Bitcoin-based tips; and (maybe eventually) NFT profile pictures.

Given Dorsey’s religious devotion to Bitcoin, it makes sense that he would want to hand the reins to a fellow believer. But given how polarizing crypto culture is generally, it bears watching how many Twitter employees will come along for the ride — and what may fall by the wayside as a result. Of course, that depends in part on how hard Agrawal leans in. But the early indications are that it’s a high priority for him.

He’ll also have to work on Elliott’s wish list, of course: more users, more revenue, a bigger share of the ad market. And he’ll have to navigate other, unrelated transitions at the company. Its head of communications, Kelly Sims, left Twitter last week after less than four months at the company, in what is a highly difficult role to fill. And Sara Beykpour, who joined the company in 2009 and has lately been leading its Twitter Blue subscription product, announced recently that she is leaving the company as well.

Notably, she’s married to Kayvon Beykpour, Twitter’s head of product, who was likely on the short list for CEO. I’ll be curious to see how much longer he stays at the company, given that he is already one of the company’s longest-serving product chiefs.

In the meantime, Twitter now has something it hasn’t had since 2015: a full-time CEO. Time will tell how Agrawal fares in the role. But by that measure alone, he is already an improvement on his predecessor.

Elsewhere: I’ll be hosting a Twitter Spaces at 5P PT tonight with Kara Swisher to break down the Dorsey news with Scott Galloway and some reporter friends; it will be recorded for later listening. Meanwhile, here’s a nice Agrawal profile in the New York Times. And a look at Dorsey’s legacy from the Washington Post.

The Ratio

Today in news that could change public perception of the big tech companies.

⬆️ Trending up: Pinterest agreed to spend $50 million on reforms to resolve discrimination lawsuits. A significant victory for the company’s employees and the two women who spoke out to galvanize attention around the issue: Ifeoma Ozoma and Aerica Shimizu Banks. (Michael Levenson / New York Times)

Platformer Jobs

Today’s featured jobs on the Platformer Jobs board include:

Some posts here are paid. For more great jobs in tech policy and trust and safety, or to create a listing, visit here. Nonprofits and academic institutions can post for free using the code NONPROFIT.


Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison proposed legislation that could require platforms to reveal customer identities in defamation cases. The so-called “anti-troll” legislation is expected to reach Parliament early next year. (Emma Roth / The Verge)

The European Union’s competition and digital policy chief urged lawmakers to pass the Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act, which have been under discussion for more than a year. “It is best to get 80 per cent now than 100 per cent never,” Margrethe Vestager told an interviewer (Javier Espinoza / Financial Times)

The European Union may prevent platforms from targeting political ads at people based on their religious views or sexual orientation. Under the bill, platforms would have “to disclose more information about every political ad they run, including how widely viewed an ad is and what criteria are used to determine who sees it, including targeting via the use of third-party data.” (Sam Schechner / Wall Street Journal)

Google agreed to more oversight from the United Kingdom’s Competition and Markets Authority over its plan to transition away from third-party cookies to its controversial Privacy Sandbox. Among other changes, the company agreed to six years of monitoring after any changes go into effect. (Natasha Lomas / TechCrunch)

Google paid €345.2 million in a tax settlement with Ireland. The company didn’t say what the settlement was for, though (?). (Charlie Taylor / Irish Times)

Italy fined Apple and Google €10 million apiece for “aggressive” data practices. Apple was accused “of failing to immediately provide users with clear information on how it uses their information commercially when they create an Apple ID or access its digital stores, such as the App Store.” (Natasha Lomas / TechCrunch)

Israel dramatically reduced its cybersecurity tools export list, in a desperate bid to save its domestic spyware industry. Thanks, NSO Group. (Meir Orbach / Calcalist)

Hackers connected to Iran breached the LGBT Israeli dating site Atraf and began uploading their personal information to Telegram channels. After Telegram removed a channel at the government’s request, hackers immediately re-uploaded the files to a new channel. (Farnaz Fassihi and Ronen Bergman / New York Times)

Pakistan lifted its ban on TikTok after nearly five months. The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority said “it will continue to monitor the platform in order to ensure that unlawful content contrary to Pakistan’s law and societal values is not disseminated.” (Express Tribune)


Meta won approval to expand the use of WhatsApp payments in India to 40 million people. Meta had asked regulators to remove the user cap altogether; this was the compromise. (Reuters)

Spotify is testing a TikTok-like vertical feed of music videos. Worth a shot, maybe, but at first blush I’d say this one is likely to go the way of Twitter’s Fleets. (Sarah Perez / TechCrunch)

And: Spotify retired its Car View feature, which was designed to make the app easier to use while driving. The company says it’s working on alternatives. (Arol Wright / Android Police)

Apple’s first augmented reality headset could be coming at some point next year. It is reportedly a standalone device that will also enable VR experiences. (Eric Slivka / MacRumors)

Those good tweets

[When you walk into a rural gas station wearing your mask in the middle of a pandemic.



Talk to me

Send me tips, comments, questions, and Jack stories: casey@platformer.news.

-"Jack steps back"

extratone commented 2 years ago

Crypto Bullshit in Twitter's native app??


extratone commented 2 years ago

Jack Dorsey’s Resignation Letter

Jack Resignation


The following is the full text of Jack Dorsey’s public resignation letter, captured via OCR from the image he Tweeted on November 29th.

Hello team.

After almost 16 years of having a role at our company...from co-founder to CEO to Chair to Exec Chair to interim-CEO to CEO...I decided it's finally time for me to leave. Why?

There's a lot of talk about the importance of a company being "founder-led." Ultimately I believe that's severely limiting and a single point of failure. I've worked hard to ensure this company can break away from its founding and founders. There are 3 reasons I believe now is the right time.

The first is Parag becoming our CEO. The board ran a rigorous process considering all options and unanimously appointed Parag. He's been my choice for some time given how deeply he understands the company and its needs. Parag has been behind every critical decision that helped turn this company around. He's curious, probing, rational, creative, demanding, self-aware, and humble. He leads with heart and soul, and is someone I learn from daily. My trust in him as our CEO is bone deep.

The second is Bret Taylor agreeing to become our board chair. I asked Bret to join our board when I became CEO, and he's been excellent in every way. He understands entrepreneurship, taking risks, companies at massive scale, technology, product, and he's an engineer. All of the things the board and the company deserve right now. Having Bret in this leadership role gives me a lot of confidence in the strength of our board going forward. You have no idea how happy this makes me!

The third is all of you. We have a lot of ambition and potential on this team. Consider this: Parag started here as an engineer who cared deeply about our work and now he's our CEO (I also had a similar path...he did it better!). This alone makes me proud. I know that Parag will be able to channel this energy best because he's lived it and knows what it takes. All of you have the potential to change the course of this company for the better. I believe this with all my heart!

Parag is CEO starting today. I'm going to serve on the board through my term (May-ish) to help Parag and Bret with the transition. And after that...Ill leave the board. Why not stay or become chair? I believe it's really important to give Parag the space he needs to lead. And back to my previous point, I believe it's critical a company can stand on its own, free of its founder's influence or direction.

I want you all to know that this was my decision and I own it. It was a tough one for me, of course. I love this service and company… and all of you so much. I'm really sad...yet really happy. There aren't many companies that get to this level. And there aren't many founders that choose their company over their own ego. I know we'll prove this was the right move.

We'll have an all-hands meeting tomorrow at 9:05 AM Pacific to discuss it all. Until then, thank you all for the trust you've placed in me, and for the openness to build that trust in Parag and yourselves. I love you all.


PS I'm tweeting this email. My one wish is for Twitter Inc to be the most transparent company in the world. Hi mom!

extratone commented 2 years ago

See Your Impact - Twitter Blue





extratone commented 2 years ago

Your thoughts/questions/complaints/outbursts about Twitter Blue - Twitter Space


David Blue ※ (𝙶 𝚄 𝚁 𝚄 𝙼𝙾𝙳𝙴) (‪@NeoYokel‬) 12/8/21, 15:34

Hey folks… At 6PM CST (in 2.5 hours,) I hope you’ll come in and talk specifics about #TwitterBlue with me. I just finished like 3 weeks writing what is still the only feature-by-feature review of it as a product I’ve found. ‪@TwitterBlue‬ ‪@TwitterVideo‬ https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1vAxRkenDlNKl

Discord Share

At 6PM CST (in 2 hours,) I hope you’ll come in and talk specifics about Twitter’s new paid subscription offering with me. I just finished like 3 weeks writing the only feature-by-feature review of it as a product, as far as I can tell. https://discord.gg/HBYNNmkA?event=918262052034850816

extratone commented 2 years ago

Bottom Post Raindrop Widget

Added Bottom Post Raindrop Widget

<iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 900px;" allowfullscreen frameborder="0" src="https://raindrop.io/davidblue/reading-list-13380406/embed/search=%23TwitterBlue&sort=-created"></iframe>