extratone / bilge

Documentation for The Psalms - my blog about software’s intersection with culture. Not just for the website - for the entire process (correspondence, notetaking, drafting, *revising*, editorializing, promoting, discussing, and even reflecting.)
40 stars 4 forks source link
blog blogging blogging-platform css custom-css editorial journalism markdown theme writeas writeas-blog writeas-customization writefreely writing writing-software

Unicode Banner

The Psalms Editorial Documentation

Note: THE TECHNICAL DOCS HAVE MOVED. For the sake of my own sanity, all technical documentation regarding Write.as/WriteFreely has been moved to a dedicated repository.

This repository encompasses the whole of both the editorial and developmental processes involved in creating bilge.world.

See my 2020 reflectory post for a few more details.

Psalms Project Board


Cute Git


This section is currently a work-in-progress.

The Psalms (alternatively/interchangeably entitled Bilge) is a monobyline World Wide Web Blog written by David Blue (good morning!) observing and selectively amplifying the characters, organizations, and stories surrounding the most abrupt, profound, and spectacular communicative renaissance in the history of the human species.

Less abstractly, its beat is wholly digital, namely in tools (software, services, and methodologies) and culture (music, film, podcasts, and media) from a distinct lens established at good distance from California.

It is entirely written in public largely via this GitHub Repository, supplemented by experiments on a variety of other platforms, including (arguably) my Twitter account.


David Blue

Technical Documentation (Writeas Blog)

Documentation for my blog, bilge.world.

I proudly use Write.as as my blog's CMS. I am relatively new to Git and GitHub, but it occurred to me that a repository would be a great place to track technical changes and even versions/revisions of drafts.

Writeas Customization

Installation (Bilge Theme)

To "install" my theme on your own Writeas blog, copy and paste the contents of Custom CSS.css and Custom Javascript.js into the respective "Custom CSS" and "Custom Javascript" fields in your blog's customization menu.

See: "Customizing Writeas"

Bilge Three Point Oh Footer


The Psalms is proudly hosted by Write.as - a new sort of blogging content management system built atop Markdown and maintained by a company which explicitly shares my commitment to a better, Open web.

A somewhat-outdated version of this site's theme is listed among others in Writeas' official themes list. The full, up-to-date CSS and JS can be found below and on in this GitHub repository, which I created in November, 2020 as an experiment in using Git to track editorial changes. (That means you can see current in-progress drafts!)


Body Text: Adobe Caslon Pro

Nav/Headers/Other: Proxima Nova & Variations


The Psalms Colors


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var topP = document.createElement("p");
//topP.style.textAlign = "center";
topP.innerHTML = '<hr><div class="custom-nav"><a rel="me" href="https://mastodon.social/@DavidBlue">Mastodon</a> ※ <a href="https://twitter.com/NeoYokel">Twitter</a> ※ <a href="https://discord.gg/4hdQcVd">Discord</a> ※ <a href="https://github.com/extratone/bilge">GitHub</a> ※ <a href="https://gist.github.com/extratone/140a11428b5dd1dda500b3928e0438b1">License</a></div>';
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// Footnote hyperlinks in the body.
var notePattern = /\[\^(\d+)\]/g;
var noteText = "<a name=\"fn$1\"></a><sup><a class=\"footnote\" href=\"#fnref$1\">$1</a></sup>";

// Footnote references at the bottom.
var refPattern = /\[(\d+)\](.*)/g;
var refText = "<a name=\"fnref$1\"></a><sup><a class=\"footnote-ref\" href=\"#fn$1\">$1</a></sup><span class=\"footnote-ref-text\">$2</span>";

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