extratone / bilge

Documentation for The Psalms - my blog about software’s intersection with culture. Not just for the website - for the entire process (correspondence, notetaking, drafting, *revising*, editorializing, promoting, discussing, and even reflecting.)
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Footnotes #52

Open extratone opened 3 years ago

extratone commented 3 years ago

See "Put footnotes in blog posts!"

extratone commented 3 years ago



extratone commented 3 years ago

Well this is definitely unacceptable...


extratone commented 3 years ago

Put footnotes in blog posts! - Help / Customization - Discuss Write.as

So I just discovered (Dec 14, 2020 8:57 PM) that the format as discussed in the first post of the thread (without colons in the end reference) appeared to have stopped functioning on the site for some reason. I tried adding a colon to the end of the [#] reference at the bottom of the page and it appeared to be working again on a single refresh. This is as per how's reply to the thread about the "CommonMark approach to footnotes."

... okay, well... now they appear to be working again. I have no idea what's going on.

In 2007, Diamond and former colleagues Shawn Grunberger, Joe Holt, and Neal Tucker set out to build the equivalent of blogging services like Blogger, WordPress, MovableType, etc. for musicians. As Holt bemoaned in [a 2008 interview with *The HTML Times*](http://htmltimes.com/band-camp.php), creating an online presence for one’s music had long been “a pain in the ass:”[^1]

I like the idea that Bandcamp hangs out in the background and just makes all of this stuff work, and also, hopefully, helps the artist promote themselves, and it’s not about “Bandcamp, Bandcamp, Bandcamp.”[^2]

[1] While Bandcamp set out from the beginning to make it easier for artists to publish music, getting music on Spotify has always been a grueling process.

[2] I fully intended to quote Kaitlyn Tiffany on how organizations *only* get tech media attention if a significant amount of capital is involved in some form, but I haven’t been able to find it. I’ll certainly come back and add it if/when I do.

Adding a picture above blog title - Help / Customization - Discuss Write.as

extratone commented 3 years ago

Fixed again?

I'm not sure how or when, but I just discovered the text in the Custom Javascript window for The Psalms was entirely incorrect... That is, it appeared to be the CSS again. Here's what I just now pasted in said field:

var topP = document.createElement("p");
//topP.style.textAlign = "center";
topP.innerHTML = '<hr><div class="custom-nav"><a rel="me" href="https://mastodon.social/@DavidBlue">Mastodon</a> ※ <a href="https://twitter.com/NeoYokel">Twitter</a> ※ <a href="https://discord.gg/4hdQcVd">Discord</a> ※ <a href="https://github.com/extratone/bilge">GitHub</a> ※ <a href="https://gist.github.com/extratone/140a11428b5dd1dda500b3928e0438b1">License</a></div>';
var cont = document.getElementById("wrapper");
if (cont !== null) {
    // Add to blog index and tag pages
} else {
    // Add to individual blog post page
    cont = document.getElementById("post-body");
    cont.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", topP.outerHTML);

// src: https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js

// src: https://hypothes.is/embed.js

window.hypothesisConfig = function () {
  return {
    "openSidebar": false, 
    "theme": "clean",
    branding: {
      appBackgroundColor: '#e6f7ff',
      ctaBackgroundColor: '#da2573',
      ctaTextColor: '#00006b',
      selectionFontFamily: 'Georgia, serif'

// Footnote hyperlinks in the body.
var notePattern = /\[\^(\d+)\]/g;
var noteText = "<a name=\"fn$1\"></a><sup><a class=\"footnote\" href=\"#fnref$1\">$1</a></sup>";

// Footnote references at the bottom.
var refPattern = /\[(\d+)\](.*)/g;
var refText = "<a name=\"fnref$1\"></a><sup><a class=\"footnote-ref\" href=\"#fn$1\">$1</a></sup><span class=\"footnote-ref-text\">$2</span>";

var postContent = document.getElementById("post-body").innerHTML;
postContent = postContent.replace(notePattern, noteText);
postContent = postContent.replace(refPattern, refText);
document.getElementById("post-body").innerHTML = postContent;

And now, according to the Test Page, Footnotes appear to be functioning again and styled correctly.