eyalFischel / SmartSaver

The Unlicense
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this project uses your banking acount details to generate data about you. Please enter your own details at your own risk


SmartSaver is a web application that helps users to save money by providing them tools that helps them to track their expenses and to set a budget for each category of expenses. The application will also provide the user with insights about their spending habits and will suggest ways to save money.


Tech Stack

Development using the k8s cluster

TODO - add the following section to the README.md

Local Development

TODO - add the following section to the README.md


TODO - add the following section to the README.md

Manage APIs

TODO - add the following section to the README.md

Running Tests

TODO - add the following section to the README.md


TODO - add the following section to the README.md

Design ideas

Frontend: React, Ts

backend: FastAPI, Python, MongoDB

CI/CD: Github actions

Deployment: Docker, Kubernetes